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How do I list all of the packages I've installed globally with cargo install?



I've installed several CLI tools using cargo install (for instance, ripgrep). How do I see a list of all the crates I've downloaded using cargo install? Sort of like apt list --installed but for cargo?

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almel Avatar asked Mar 25 '20 20:03


People also ask

How do I list installed packages into my system?

You can either use the dpkg command's log or the apt command's log. You'll have to use grep command to filter the result to list the installed packages only. This will list all the packages including the dependencies that were installed recently on your system along with the time of installation.

Where does cargo install files?

All binaries installed with cargo install are stored in the installation root's bin folder. If you installed Rust using rustup.rs and don't have any custom configurations, this directory will be $HOME/. cargo/bin. Ensure that directory is in your $PATH to be able to run programs you've installed with cargo install .

1 Answers

The command line

cargo help install

produces detailed help information. Among others it lists common EXAMPLES, e.g.

  1. View the list of installed packages:

    cargo install --list
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IInspectable Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10
