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How do I link to a 3rd party Swift framework



In the last 24 hours I've tried to consume two different 3rd party Swift libraries: Swiftz and Sleipnir. I assume it should be fairly easy as both projects simply provide a sketch of how to consume them. However, neither provide enough detail for me to follow. I've tried all of the following: add the projects to my workspace, drag/drop the compiled frameworks into my project navigator, add the frameworks to the "Link Binary with Libraries" phase. In all cases, I get a linker error informing me that the framework can't be found.

I just need a link to the actual documentation that explains how to do this. I haven't been able to find it.

Edit: Forget about 3rd party libraries even. How do you consume your own libraries? I have a Cocoa Framework library I've written. Now I've added a command line project to the same workspace. Sure would be nice if I could access my new framework from my command line app. I clicked on my command line project. Clicked on Build Phases and dragged my custom framework to the Link Binary with Libraries section. Everything compiles fine. When running my app I get the following error:

dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/libswiftAppKit.dylib
  Referenced from: /Users/mgwelch/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SwiftParsing-
  Reason: image not foundI
like image 237
Michael Welch Avatar asked Nov 01 '14 18:11

Michael Welch

People also ask

How do I link an external framework in Xcode?

In general, to use an external framework in Xcode, you need to: Add a some kind of synchronised link to the external repository and download it. Add the . xcodeproj (Xcode project) file from the external repo as a sub-project to your own project, in Xcode's File Navigator.

How do I add a framework to a swift project?

In order to create an iOS Framework you need to click on File -> New -> Project (Shift + Cmd + N) -> Framework (under iOS tab, Framework & Library section). Framework under Framework & Library section.

1 Answers

Ok, not many users are familiar with Swift frameworks yet, I guess.

Well, I'm getting some assistance from a framework developer over on an issue I raised on how to consumer their framework. I still have issues, but others may be interested in following the conversation to see some of the steps involved


Detailed instructions are provided at this issue. Feel free to try them. I'll mark this as closed.

UPDATE I stated this in a comment but it might not be seen. I was trying to write a command line tool. At this time with XCode 6.1 it does not appear possible to use a third party framework in a command line tool. As a matter of fact I've written up an issue against another project stating that their command line targets no longer run: https://github.com/railsware/Sleipnir/issues/17

Perhaps this worked in a previous beta version, but it no longer seems possible.

like image 53
Michael Welch Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09

Michael Welch