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How do I know which python script is running in taskmgr?

It seems that in the task manager all I get is the process of the python/pythonwin. So How can I figure out which python script is running?

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Cortexiphan Avatar asked Jun 04 '12 03:06


People also ask

How do I know if a Python script is running?

I usually use ps -fA | grep python to see what processes are running. The CMD will show you what python scripts you have running, although it won't give you the directory of the script.

Why is Python in my task manager?

A third-party application installed on the machine might have been written in Python and included a Python installation. There are many such applications, from GUI programs to network servers and administrative scripts. Some Windows machines also have Python installed.

How can I tell if Python script is running on Windows?

You can use psutil. Process().

How do I know if a Python process is running Linux?

on linux, you can look in the directory /proc/$PID to get information about that process. In fact, if the directory exists, the process is running.

1 Answers

The usual answer to such questions is Process Explorer. You can see the full command line for any instance of python.exe or pythonw.exe in the tooltip.

To get the same information in Python, you can use the psutil module.

import psutil

pythons = [[" ".join(p.cmdline), p.pid] for p in psutil.process_iter() 
            if p.name.lower() in ("python.exe", "pythonw.exe")]

The result, pythons, is a list of lists representing Python processes. The first item of each list is the command line that started the process, including any options. The second item is the process ID.

The psutil Process class has a lot of other stuff in it so if you want all that, you can do this instead:

pythons = [p for p in psutil.process_iter() if p.name.lower() in ("python.exe", "pythonw.exe")]

Now, on my system, iterating all processes with psutil.process_iter() takes several seconds, which seems to me ludicrous. The below is significantly faster, as it does the process filtering before Python sees it, but it relies on the wmic command line tool, which not all versions of Windows have (XP Home lacks it, notably). The result here is the same as the first psutil version (a list of lists, each containing the command line and process ID for one Python process).

import subprocess

wmic_cmd = """wmic process where "name='python.exe' or name='pythonw.exe'" get commandline,processid"""
wmic_prc = subprocess.Popen(wmic_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
wmic_out, wmic_err = wmic_prc.communicate()
pythons = [item.rsplit(None, 1) for item in wmic_out.splitlines() if item][1:]
pythons = [[cmdline, int(pid)] for [cmdline, pid] in pythons]

If wmic is not available, you will get an empty list []. Since you know there's at least one Python process (yours!), you can trap this as an error and display an appropriate message.

To get your own process ID, so you can exclude it from consideration if you're going to e.g. start killing processes, try pywin32's win32process.GetCurrentProcessID()

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kindall Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 22:11
