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How do I keep Python print from adding newlines or spaces? [duplicate]

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How do you print without Newline and space in Python?

Printing without a new line is simple in Python 3. In order to print without newline in Python, you need to add an extra argument to your print function that will tell the program that you don't want your next string to be on a new line. Here's an example: print("Hello there!", end = '') print("It is a great day.")

How do you print a variable without spaces between values in Python?

To print multiple values or variables without the default single space character in between, use the print() function with the optional separator keyword argument sep and set it to the empty string '' .

Does Python print automatically add newline?

Python print() built-in function is used to print the given content inside the command prompt. The default functionality of Python print is that it adds a newline character at the end.

In Python 3, use

print('h', end='')

to suppress the endline terminator, and

print('a', 'b', 'c', sep='')

to suppress the whitespace separator between items. See the documentation for print

import sys



You need to call sys.stdout.flush() because otherwise it will hold the text in a buffer and you won't see it.

Greg is right-- you can use sys.stdout.write

Perhaps, though, you should consider refactoring your algorithm to accumulate a list of <whatevers> and then

lst = ['h', 'm']
print  "".join(lst)

Or use a +, i.e.:

>>> print 'me'+'no'+'likee'+'spacees'+'pls'

Just make sure all are concatenate-able objects.

Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Sep 27 2008, 07:03:14)
[GCC 4.3.1] on linux2
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>>> import sys
>>> print "hello",; print "there"
hello there
>>> print "hello",; sys.stdout.softspace=False; print "there"

But really, you should use sys.stdout.write directly.

For completeness, one other way is to clear the softspace value after performing the write.

import sys
print "hello",
print "world",
print "!"

prints helloworld !

Using stdout.write() is probably more convenient for most cases though.

This may look stupid, but seems to be the simplest:

    print 'h',
    print '\bm'