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How do I keep an HTML div from moving when the one to its left is hidden?

Here's a very simple jsFiddle:

function hideDiv2() {

function showDiv2() {
.div1 {
  height: 300px;
  width: 20%;
  background-color: red;
  float: left;
.div2 {
  height: 300px;
  width: 20%;
  background-color: green;
  float: left
.div3 {
  height: 300px;
  width: 35%;
  background-color: pink;
  float: left
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="div1">div1</div>
<div class="div2">div2</div>
<div class="div3">div3</div>

<div style="clear:both"></div>
<button type="button" onclick="hideDiv2()" name="hide">Hide div2</button>
<button type="button" name="show" onclick="showDiv2()">Show div2</button>

that creates 3 divs in HTML, and provides two buttons to hide and show the middle div. What I'd like to know is how I keep div3 from sliding over to the left when div2 is hidden. In other words I'd like div3 to remain in its original location regardless of whether div2 is hidden or visible. It is required, however, that the initial HTML page be displayed with all 3 divs visible as shown initially in the jsFiddle.

like image 564
swingMan Avatar asked Jul 17 '15 01:07


People also ask

How do I keep a div in one place?

Use position fixed. Position fixed makes it so that an element stays at it's specified place even if the user scrolls up or down.

How do I force a div to stay in one line?

You can force the content of the HTML <div> element stay on the same line by using a little CSS. Use the overflow property, as well as the white-space property set to “nowrap”.

How do I force HTML elements to stay on the same line?

To get all elements to appear on one line the easiest way is to: Set white-space property to nowrap on a parent element; Have display: inline-block set on all child elements.

How do you make a div hidden in HTML?

display = “none” will make it disappear when clicked on div.

2 Answers

Instead of using .hide(), set opacity to 0, or set visibility to hidden

$('.div2').css('visibility', 'hidden');

Note: opacity won't work in IE < 9

like image 172
developerbmw Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09


By adding an external div you can achieve what you looking for. Here is your code and jsFiddle

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.4/jquery-ui.js"></script>

.div1 {
    background-color: red;
.div2 {
    background-color: green;
    .hideDiv {
.div3 {
    background-color: pink;
<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
<div class="div1">div1</div>
<div class ="hideDiv"><div class="div2">div2</div></div>
<div class="div3">div3</div>

<div style="clear:both"></div>
<button type="button" onclick="hideDiv2()" name="hide">Hide div2</button>
<button type="button" name="show" onclick="showDiv2()" >Show div2</button>

function hideDiv2()
function showDiv2()
like image 36
Target Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09
