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How do I insert an element into XML using Linq?


    <item id="1">A</item>
    <item id="2">B</item>
    <item id="4">D</item>

I have loaded this using XML similar to:

XDocument xDoc = new XDocument(data.Value);
var items = from i in xDoc.Element("content").Elements("item")
    select i;

I want to insert another element, to end up with something like:

    <item id="1">A</item>
    <item id="2">B</item>
    <item id="3">C</item>
    <item id="4">D</item>

How do I do this using Linq2Xml?

like image 468
Matt W Avatar asked Jan 25 '10 08:01

Matt W

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1 Answers

Try this:

    .Where(item => item.Attribute("id").Value == "2").FirstOrDefault()
    .AddAfterSelf(new XElement("item", "C", new XAttribute("id", "3")));

Or, if you like XPath like I do:

xDoc.XPathSelectElement("content/item[@id = '2']")
    .AddAfterSelf(new XElement("item", "C", new XAttribute("id", "3")));
like image 65
Rubens Farias Avatar answered Nov 04 '22 22:11

Rubens Farias