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How do I import globals in Postman



My team has just started using Team Syncing in Postman which seems to be a great feature, but we want to be able to share the large set of global variables we use within our collections.

These are not synced to the cloud server and there doesn't seem to be a way to import them.

Has any got a good way to share these throughout the team without everyone manually entering each one?

like image 629
pmckeown Avatar asked Jan 21 '16 21:01


1 Answers

To share globals in Postman:

  1. Export as JSON, share JSON file
  2. Import globals from JSON

The same steps in more detail:

  1. To export as JSON:

    a) Go to gear in upper right-hand corner, choose Manage Environments from the dropdown

    b) Click Globals button

    c) Choose Download as JSON download Globals as JSON

  2. To import from JSON:

    a) Choose Import from upper left of Postman window choose import

    b) Select your JSON file or drag it into the resulting window: select json that contains globals

NOTE: Even though this window says it only imports collections, environments, data dumps, curl commands, and RAML/WADL/Swagger/Runscope, it will also work for globals.

c) Click Open in the system dialog box (after choosing file). Your globals will be imported. You may receive an error along with the confirmation message, but the globals were still imported. confirmation and error

like image 87
pillravi Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
