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How do I implement removeable listeners when they're passed as lambdas or method references?

I am wondering what may be a good way of implementing some kind of observable in Java without much interface-stuff.

I thought it would be nice to use the predefined functional interfaces. For this example, I use a String Consumer to represent a listener that takes a String for notification.

class Subject {

  List<Consumer<String>> listeners = new ArrayList<>();
  void addListener(Consumer<String> listener) { listeners.add(listener); }

  void removeListener(Consumer<String> listener { listeners.remove(listener); }


class PrintListener {
  public void print(String s) { System.out.println(s); }

Subject subject = new ...
PrintListener printListener = new ...
subject.add(printListener); // Works, I find it in the listener list
subject.remove(printListener); // Does NOT work. I still find it in the list

I found the explanation:

Consumer<String> a = printListener::print;
Consumer<String> b = printListener::print;

// it holds:
// a==b       : false
// a==a       : true
// a.equals(b): false
// a.equals(a): true

So I can't use lambdas/function pointers as they are.

There is always the alternative to have the good old interfaces back, s.t. we register object instances but not lambdas. But i hoped there is something more lightweight.


From current responses, I see the following approaches:

a) Return a Handle that holds the original reference
b) store the original reference yourself
c) Return some ID (integer) that can be used in subject.remove() instead of the original reference

I tend to like a). You still have to keep track of the Handle.

like image 525
markus Avatar asked Jun 08 '21 11:06


1 Answers

I'm using rjxs quite often lately, and there they've used a custom return value called Subscription which can be called to remove the registered listener again. The same could be done in your case:

public interface Subscription {
    void unsubscribe();

Then change your addListener method to this:

public Subscription addListener(Consumer<String> listener) {
    return () -> listeners.remove(listener);

The removeListener method can be removed entirely. And this can now be called like this:

Subscription s = subject.addListener(printListener::print);
// later on when you want to remove the listener

This works, because the returned lambda in addListener() still uses the same reference of listener and thus can again be removed from the List. Side note: it would probably make more sense to use a Set unless you really care about the iteration order of your listeners

A nice read would also be Is there a way to compare lambdas?, which goes into more detail, why printListener::print != printListener::print.

like image 90
Lino Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 14:09
