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How do I ignore exceptions in F#

During normal program's execution an exception may occur.

In case I'm aware of it and just want to ignore it — how do I achieve this in F#?

Here is my code, which compiles with a warning:

let sha = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider()
let maxLength = 10000
let fileSign file = 
    let fs = File.OpenRead(file)
    let mutable res = (0L, [|0uy|])
        let flLen = fs.Length
        let len = int (min (int64 maxLength) flLen)

        // read 'len' bytes        
        let mutable pos = 0
        while (pos < len) do
            let chunk = fs.Read(buf, pos, len - pos)
            pos <- pos + chunk

        // get signature            
        let sign = sha.ComputeHash(buf, 0, len)

        // store new result
        res <- (flLen, sign)        
        | :? IOException as e -> e |> ignore
        if (fs <> null) then

The warning is:
error FS0010: Unexpected keyword 'finally' in binding. Expected incomplete structured construct at or before this point or other token.

The corresponding C# equivalent for what I want is:

FileStream fs = null;
    fs = File.OpenRead(file);
    // ... other stuff
    // I just do not specify anything
    if (fs != null)

If I just omit the with block in F#, the exception is not ignored.

like image 920
bohdan_trotsenko Avatar asked Nov 24 '09 12:11


People also ask

How do I skip an exception?

There is no way to basically ignore a thrown exception. The best that you can do is to limit the standard you have to wrap the exception-throwing code in.

How do I ignore a specific exception in Python?

In this case, you want to catch NameError and specify a message. For all others, you want to specify another message. Let's say you want to ignore NameError, then you can just give continue or pass . Alternatively, you can also raise an exception.

Can we ignore exception?

You should not ignore Exceptions. You should handle them. If you want to make your test code simple, then add the try-catch block into your functions. The greatest way to ignore exceptions is to prevent them by proper coding.

How do I ignore an exception in a for loop?

If you are in a for loop and want to skip to the next iteration, use the continue keyword instead. If you only need to access a specific key and need to ignore the KeyError exception, use the dict. get() method.

2 Answers

try-with and try-finally are separate constructs in F#, so you need an extra 'try' to match the finally:

    with e -> ...

As Vitaliy points out, it's more idiomatic to use 'use' for finallys-that-dispose

use x = some-IDisposable-expr

See also

Docs about 'use': http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd233240(VS.100).aspx

Spec for 'use': http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/cambridge/projects/fsharp/manual/spec.html#_Toc245030850

like image 50
Brian Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10


try..with..finally is not supported in F#. As well as in OCaml. You should use use statement here:

   use fs = ...
like image 21
Vitaliy Liptchinsky Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 22:10

Vitaliy Liptchinsky