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How do I go about embedding a youtube chromeless player without adding controls?

I am creating an online experiment. It involves participants watching a video then answering a questionnaire. I would like to embed a chromeless youtube video which plays automatically on page load, does not have controls for participants to play around with, and loads the next page once the video finishes.

Now the autoplay/forward to next page functions are secondary and I'm not too concerned if I can't get them working. However I am very interested in how to embed a chromeless player. I have gone to the google playground but this code already has the controls attached. I am not very experienced at coding so I do not know what to remove from the code for none of the custom controls on the left to be displayed. Is anyone able to help me?

Thanks, Wil

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ndthl Avatar asked Apr 13 '10 04:04


People also ask

How do I hide YouTube player controls?

Press Ctrl+M to hide or show the YouTube video player controls. When you pause a YouTube video, the player controls don't disappear.

1 Answers

When you embed the video, you can use the parameter controls=0 which will remove the buttons and make it appear chromeless.

ie the code in your embed section would include http://www.youtube.com/embed/NxLBVAq-4dg?rel=0&controls=0"

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Mark Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 23:11
