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How do I give Apache Access to folders on MAC OSx?





I'm real new to Mac and Apache. I my development machine my website cannot access any files under the web roots /images or /css folders.

The apache log gives the following error:

(13)Permission denied: file permissions deny server access:

The site is hosted up under the 'Sites' folder. I checked in 'Get Info' on this folder and it seems that 'Everyone' has read access. What gives?


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Nick Avatar asked May 21 '11 05:05


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2 Answers

The problem is that Apache runs with a user different to the user owner of files, and the Apache's user doesn't have read/write/execute permissions. In my case the user was _www and is member of the _www group.

I solved this issue changing the group of the files to the _www:

  1. Look for the apache's user and group. I used this php script:

    echo exec('whoami') . '<br>';
    echo exec('groups') . '<br>';
  2. Login with the user owner of the files.

  3. Add the user owner of files to the _www group.

    $ sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a userOwnerOfFiles -t user _www
  4. Change the group of files needed to _www

    $ chgrp -R _www path/containing/files
  5. Change file permissions for the group

    $ chmod -R g+rwx path/containing/files
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pachopepe Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 16:11


This was a tough one for me today. It turned out that I needed to give permissions to the web server to the entire directory tree all the way up to the doc root.

It came up for me today because I'm using a virtual host and storing the files pretty far up a tree in my user directory.

I did not want to recursively change all the thousands of files in my Documents directory so I just chmod ed each folder in the path. In my home directory:

$ chmod 755 Documents
$ chmod 755 Documents/projects
$ chmod 755 Documents/projects/dev
$ chmod 755 Documents/projects/dev/someglamorousclientname/
$ chmod 755 Documents/projects/dev/someglamorousclientname/docroot
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Tony Adams Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 16:11

Tony Adams