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How do I get unique incoming request IP address

There are four people who are sharing a same wifi connection, according to below definition there IP must be unique.
An IP address is a numerical label assigned to each device participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication.


For uniquely identifying them I tried:


But I get same IP for those all four person.

Q2.HOW UNIQUELY IDENTIFY THEM?(should I say them to pass some token like thing to identify them uniquely? but I will prefer unique IP)

like image 596
Govind Singh Avatar asked Jun 06 '14 09:06

Govind Singh

People also ask

Does my device have a unique IP address?

Your internet service provider (ISP) assigns IP addresses to your internet-connected devices, and every IP address is unique. Considering every single internet-connected device has an IP address, billions of IP addresses exist.

How do I request an IP address with the account?

Here’s how to request an IP address with the account: Log in to the Orion web console with the iprequest account (username and password are the same i.e. iprequest). Upon login, you will be taken to the IP Address Request page. Specify the number of IP addresses required. You can also enter additional comments/descriptions against this request.

How to show an incoming IP address on a web page?

In addition to netstats, it is also possible to use function calls in a scripting language to show an incoming IP address on a web page. Launch a terminal window (Linux) or a command prompt window (Windows).

What happens when a user requests an IP address?

Once a user has requested an IP address, an administrator will be notified about the request after which he can go through the request and perform the required action. The iprequest account can be given to users without any issues and worries as it only provides access to the IP Request wizard.

How do I request an IP address from Orion?

Here’s how to do it: Log in to the Orion web console and then click My Dashboards > IP Addresses > Request IP Address. You will be taken to the IP Address Request page. Here, you are provided additional options than the iprequest account.

1 Answers

The correct phrasing is that they all 4 are behinds a NAT firewall -- that is;

  • They all have unique IP addresses on their internal network (like 192.168.x.x or other internal IP address) see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_network and RFC1918 for details.
  • They are connecting to the public internet though a firewall/gateway which does network address translation (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_address_translation for details).

This is the common way for most home/office networks to connect to the internet, for two reasons -- it require much fewer public internet addresses, and it also makes the network more secure as avoiding public addresses for internal resources means that there is less likelyhood for that you fail to configure you firewalls correctly.

The downside is that IP addresses are by no means a unique ID for the users -- that is what Cookies are for.

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Soren Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 02:09
