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How do I get the directory of the current script, in Dart?




I want to know what the script's directory is. I have a command-line Dart script.

like image 935
Seth Ladd Avatar asked Oct 27 '13 20:10

Seth Ladd

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What is directory in Dart?

A Directory is an object holding a path on which operations can be performed. The path to the directory can be absolute or relative. It allows access to the parent directory, since it is a FileSystemEntity.

How do I read a directory in flutter?

To list all the files or folders, you have to use flutter_file_manager, path, and path_provider_ex flutter package. Add the following lines in your pubspec. yaml file to add this package in your dependency. Add read / write permissions in your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.

2 Answers

If you're doing this for a console based app (e.g. in a unit test) and intend to use the output to open a file for reading or writing, it's more helpful to use Platform.script.path:

import "package:path/path.dart" show dirname, join;
import 'dart:io' show Platform;

main() {
  print(join(dirname(Platform.script.path), 'test_data_file.dat'));

The result of that command can be used with a File object and be opened/read (e.g. if you have a unit test that needs to read/compare sample data, or a console program that needs to open a file relative to the current script for some other reason).

like image 152
Dan Field Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 11:10

Dan Field

The easiest way to find the script's directory is to use the path package.

import "package:path/path.dart" show dirname;
import 'dart:io' show Platform;

main() {

Put the path package into your pubspec.yaml:

  path: any

And be sure to run pub get to download and link the path package.

like image 36
Seth Ladd Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 11:10

Seth Ladd