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How do I get Team Build 2010 to publish web applications as non-updatable?

I'm trying to switch our build from CruiseControl.NET running a custom .msbuild file to Team Build 2010. The application being compiled is a VS2008 solution with numerous projects, two of which are web projects.

Using DefaultTemplate.xaml, it appears that the two web projects are deployed to Binaries\_PublishedWebsites\(ProjectName). That default location is fine. However, the contents of the output directories appear to be updateable, as though aspnet_compiler.exe was called with -u, or as though an MSBuild <AspNetCompiler> task was used with Updateable="true". So, two questions:

  1. How do I make Team Build produce non-updateable output to the _PublishedWebsites directory?
  2. How can I also set the IIS VirtualPath as if I was doing the following in an MSBuild task:

    <AspNetCompiler Clean="true" Force="true" VirtualPath="/My-IIS-Virtual-Path" />

I have found in earlier troubleshooting that the only way I can get IIS 6 to serve a web service compiled with aspnet_compiler.exe in non-updateable mode is to specify the virtual path in the command, which is why I am asking about #2.


Upon seeing the one answer thus far, I realized I should have been much clearer about what the issue is. I realize that, if I can do something in MSBuild, I can just call MSBuild from the build template. However, I am wondering a little more about how change what happens to copy the output to the _PublishedWebsites directory. "Find the task that copies the website and change it" would work well, except that I don't see what is actually copying the output into _PublishedWebsites. What I'm really wanting to do is to modify the step in the template that accomplishes this.

The build log references a compile target called _CopyWebApplication that appears to do the work of copying the files needed for a web application. However, I am unsure how to modify this compile target, as I do not see it anywhere in the build template nor in any file in the solution. Further, whatever runs _CopyWebApplication appears to be running it only for web application projects, not the many other projects in the solution. This is a good thing, except that I do not know where the logic exists that determines whether to use _CopyWebApplication.

Maybe there is some default MSBuild file that I am missing? Some build parameter that I could be using? How do I alter the aforementioned build step?

like image 818
Andrew Avatar asked Dec 27 '22 05:12


1 Answers

All logic of the _CopyWebApplication target is defined in:

C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v10.0\WebApplications\Microsoft.WebApplication.targets

The target itself is rather simple but it carries a bunch of pre-conditions:

<Target Name="_CopyWebApplication" 
        Condition="!$(Disable_CopyWebApplication) And '$(OutDir)' != '$(OutputPath)'" 

  <CallTarget Condition="'$(OnAfter_CopyWebApplication)' != ''" Targets="$(OnAfter_CopyWebApplication)" RunEachTargetSeparately="true" />


You can control the process once getting to the desired set of flags. The following are the defaults:

<WebProjectOutputDirInsideProjectDefault  Condition="('$(OutDir)' != '$(OutputPath)') Or ('$(IsDesktopBuild)' == 'False')" >False</WebProjectOutputDirInsideProjectDefault>
<DisableLinkInCopyWebApplicaton Condition="'$(DisableLinkInCopyWebApplicaton)'==''">False</DisableLinkInCopyWebApplicaton>
<Disable_CopyWebApplication Condition="'$(Disable_CopyWebApplication)' == ''">False</Disable_CopyWebApplication>
<UseWPP_CopyWebApplication Condition="'$(UseWPP_CopyWebApplication)' == ''">False</UseWPP_CopyWebApplication>
<CleanWebProjectOutputDir Condition="$(WebProjectOutputDirInsideProject)" >False</CleanWebProjectOutputDir>
like image 122
KMoraz Avatar answered Apr 29 '23 01:04
