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How do I get Shiny-server to working with Azure Active Directory

I am using Azure Webapps for Containers to host an R Shiny-Server. I want to use Azure Active Directory to authenticate and authorize the user logging into the app.

I am using the rocker/shiny image from dockerhub and the image builds and run easily. However, when I am turning on Active Directory the app does not work anymore. Any hints and clues on what might be wrong would be of great help.


Not working

like image 625
Kasper Christensen Avatar asked Mar 03 '23 19:03

Kasper Christensen

1 Answers

I got the same problem of an "empty" page, because loading of static files by the browser returned HTTP 400 when activating AD authentication. I have a Shiny app in a docker container on Azure App Services on the latest version of Shiny server (v1.5.12.933) and Shiny (1.4.0).

This means the problem described here https://community.rstudio.com/t/shiny-v1-3-known-regressions-and-serious-issues/28180/4 which I suspected first is not the reason.

w/o AD authentication the page is displayed correctly. The Azure proxy responsible for AD authentication injects some HTTP headers and cookies. I inspected the full HTTP request on server side via tcpflow -p -c -i eth0 port 3838 and had a look at the underlying R library httpuv which is responsible for the HTTP connection to the Shiny server.

When searching where in this library HTTP 400 codes are returned I found https://github.com/rstudio/httpuv/blob/master/src/webapplication.cpp and the following code snippet

// Make sure that there's no message body.
  if (pRequest->hasHeader("Content-Length") || pRequest->hasHeader("Transfer-Encoding")) {
    return error_response(pRequest, 400);

while the request arriving at the server had the header Content-Length: 0 which is not present if AD authentication is turned off.

I created a fix and PR for httpuv, see issue https://github.com/rstudio/httpuv/issues/247.

You can use it as long as it is not merged into their repo.

Just run

R -e 'library(devtools); install_github("LHaferkamp/httpuv")'

in your Dockerfile

like image 121
lhaferkamp Avatar answered May 12 '23 11:05
