I am using the following JS code from the fiddle provided in the answer here:
How to display messages from jQuery Validate plugin inside of Tooltipster tooltips?
Here's the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/kyK4G/
The error shows up on line 36, which is: submitHandler: function (form) { // for demo
And this is the error:
TypeError: $(...).validate is not a function
submitHandler: function (form) { // for demo
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>
$(document).ready(function () {
// initialize tooltipster on text input elements
$('#myform input[type="text"]').tooltipster({
trigger: 'custom',
onlyOne: false,
position: 'right'
// initialize validate plugin on the form
errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
$(element).tooltipster('update', $(error).text());
success: function (label, element) {
rules: {
field1: {
required: true,
email: true
field2: {
required: true,
minlength: 5
submitHandler: function (form) { // for demo
alert('valid form');
return false;
// no CDN - including plugin below
(function (d, f, g, b) {
var e = "tooltipster",
c = {
animation: "fade",
arrow: true,
arrowColor: "",
content: "",
delay: 200,
fixedWidth: 0,
maxWidth: 0,
functionBefore: function (l, m) {
functionReady: function (l, m) {},
functionAfter: function (l) {},
icon: "(?)",
iconDesktop: false,
iconTouch: false,
iconTheme: ".tooltipster-icon",
interactive: false,
interactiveTolerance: 350,
offsetX: 0,
offsetY: 0,
onlyOne: true,
position: "top",
speed: 350,
timer: 0,
theme: ".tooltipster-default",
touchDevices: true,
trigger: "hover"
function h(m, l) {
this.element = m;
this.options = d.extend({}, c, l);
this._defaults = c;
this._name = e;
function j() {
return !!("ontouchstart" in f)
function a() {
var l = g.body || g.documentElement;
var n = l.style;
var o = "transition";
if (typeof n[o] == "string") {
return true
v = ["Moz", "Webkit", "Khtml", "O", "ms"], o = o.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + o.substr(1);
for (var m = 0; m < v.length; m++) {
if (typeof n[v[m] + o] == "string") {
return true
return false
var k = true;
if (!a()) {
k = false
h.prototype = {
init: function () {
var r = d(this.element);
var n = this;
var q = true;
if ((n.options.touchDevices == false) && (j())) {
q = false
if (g.all && !g.querySelector) {
q = false
if (q == true) {
if ((this.options.iconDesktop == true) && (!j()) || ((this.options.iconTouch == true) && (j()))) {
var m = r.attr("title");
var p = n.options.iconTheme;
var o = d('<span class="' + p.replace(".", "") + '" title="' + m + '">' + this.options.icon + "</span>");
r.data("tooltipsterIcon", o);
r = o
var l = d.trim(n.options.content).length > 0 ? n.options.content : r.attr("title");
r.data("tooltipsterContent", l);
if ((this.options.touchDevices == true) && (j())) {
r.bind("touchstart", function (t, s) {
} else {
if (this.options.trigger == "hover") {
r.on("mouseenter.tooltipster", function () {
if (this.options.interactive == true) {
r.on("mouseleave.tooltipster", function () {
var t = r.data("tooltipster");
var u = false;
if ((t !== b) && (t !== "")) {
t.mouseenter(function () {
u = true
t.mouseleave(function () {
u = false
var s = setTimeout(function () {
if (u == true) {
t.mouseleave(function () {
} else {
}, n.options.interactiveTolerance)
} else {
} else {
r.on("mouseleave.tooltipster", function () {
if (this.options.trigger == "click") {
r.on("click.tooltipster", function () {
if ((r.data("tooltipster") == "") || (r.data("tooltipster") == b)) {
} else {
showTooltip: function (m) {
var n = d(this.element);
var l = this;
if (n.data("tooltipsterIcon") !== b) {
n = n.data("tooltipsterIcon")
if ((d(".tooltipster-base").not(".tooltipster-dying").length > 0) && (l.options.onlyOne == true)) {
d(".tooltipster-base").not(".tooltipster-dying").not(n.data("tooltipster")).each(function () {
var o = d(this).data("origin");
n.clearQueue().delay(l.options.delay).queue(function () {
l.options.functionBefore(n, function () {
if ((n.data("tooltipster") !== b) && (n.data("tooltipster") !== "")) {
var w = n.data("tooltipster");
if (!w.hasClass("tooltipster-kill")) {
var s = "tooltipster-" + l.options.animation;
if (k == true) {
w.clearQueue().addClass(s + "-show")
if (l.options.timer > 0) {
var q = w.data("tooltipsterTimer");
q = setTimeout(function () {
w.data("tooltipsterTimer", b);
}, l.options.timer);
w.data("tooltipsterTimer", q)
if ((l.options.touchDevices == true) && (j())) {
d("body").bind("touchstart", function (B) {
if (l.options.interactive == true) {
var D = d(B.target);
var C = true;
D.parents().each(function () {
if (d(this).hasClass("tooltipster-base")) {
C = false
if (C == true) {
} else {
} else {
d("body").css("overflow-x", "hidden");
var x = n.data("tooltipsterContent");
var u = l.options.theme;
var y = u.replace(".", "");
var s = "tooltipster-" + l.options.animation;
var r = "-webkit-transition-duration: " + l.options.speed + "ms; -webkit-animation-duration: " + l.options.speed + "ms; -moz-transition-duration: " + l.options.speed + "ms; -moz-animation-duration: " + l.options.speed + "ms; -o-transition-duration: " + l.options.speed + "ms; -o-animation-duration: " + l.options.speed + "ms; -ms-transition-duration: " + l.options.speed + "ms; -ms-animation-duration: " + l.options.speed + "ms; transition-duration: " + l.options.speed + "ms; animation-duration: " + l.options.speed + "ms;";
var o = l.options.fixedWidth > 0 ? "width:" + l.options.fixedWidth + "px;" : "";
var z = l.options.maxWidth > 0 ? "max-width:" + l.options.maxWidth + "px;" : "";
var t = l.options.interactive == true ? "pointer-events: auto;" : "";
var w = d('<div class="tooltipster-base ' + y + " " + s + '" style="' + o + " " + z + " " + t + " " + r + '"><div class="tooltipster-content">' + x + "</div></div>");
n.data("tooltipster", w);
w.data("origin", n);
l.options.functionReady(n, w);
if (k == true) {
w.addClass(s + "-show")
} else {
w.css("display", "none").removeClass(s).fadeIn(l.options.speed)
var A = x;
var p = setInterval(function () {
var B = n.data("tooltipsterContent");
if (d("body").find(n).length == 0) {
} else {
if ((A !== B) && (B !== "")) {
A = B;
width: "",
"-webkit-transition-duration": l.options.speed + "ms",
"-moz-transition-duration": l.options.speed + "ms",
"-o-transition-duration": l.options.speed + "ms",
"-ms-transition-duration": l.options.speed + "ms",
"transition-duration": l.options.speed + "ms",
"-webkit-transition-property": "-webkit-transform",
"-moz-transition-property": "-moz-transform",
"-o-transition-property": "-o-transform",
"-ms-transition-property": "-ms-transform",
"transition-property": "transform"
setTimeout(function () {
setTimeout(function () {
"-webkit-transition-property": "",
"-moz-transition-property": "",
"-o-transition-property": "",
"-ms-transition-property": "",
"transition-property": ""
}, l.options.speed)
}, l.options.speed);
tooltipWidth = w.outerWidth(false);
tooltipInnerWidth = w.innerWidth();
tooltipHeight = w.outerHeight(false);
if ((d("body").find(w).length == 0) || (d("body").find(n).length == 0)) {
}, 200);
if (l.options.timer > 0) {
var q = setTimeout(function () {
w.data("tooltipsterTimer", b);
}, l.options.timer + l.options.speed);
w.data("tooltipsterTimer", q)
if ((l.options.touchDevices == true) && (j())) {
d("body").bind("touchstart", function (B) {
if (l.options.interactive == true) {
var D = d(B.target);
var C = true;
D.parents().each(function () {
if (d(this).hasClass("tooltipster-base")) {
C = false
if (C == true) {
} else {
w.mouseleave(function () {
hideTooltip: function (m) {
var p = d(this.element);
var l = this;
if (p.data("tooltipsterIcon") !== b) {
p = p.data("tooltipsterIcon")
var o = p.data("tooltipster");
if (o == b) {
o = d(".tooltipster-dying")
if ((o !== b) && (o !== "")) {
var q = o.data("tooltipsterTimer");
if (q !== b) {
var n = "tooltipster-" + l.options.animation;
if (k == true) {
o.clearQueue().removeClass(n + "-show").addClass("tooltipster-dying").delay(l.options.speed).queue(function () {
p.data("tooltipster", "");
d("body").css("verflow-x", "");
} else {
o.clearQueue().addClass("tooltipster-dying").fadeOut(l.options.speed, function () {
p.data("tooltipster", "");
d("body").css("verflow-x", "");
positionTooltip: function (O) {
var A = d(this.element);
var ab = this;
if (A.data("tooltipsterIcon") !== b) {
A = A.data("tooltipsterIcon")
if ((A.data("tooltipster") !== b) && (A.data("tooltipster") !== "")) {
var ah = A.data("tooltipster");
ah.css("width", "");
var ai = d(f).width();
var B = A.outerWidth(false);
var ag = A.outerHeight(false);
var al = ah.outerWidth(false);
var m = ah.innerWidth() + 1;
var M = ah.outerHeight(false);
var aa = A.offset();
var Z = aa.top;
var u = aa.left;
var y = b;
if (A.is("area")) {
var T = A.attr("shape");
var af = A.parent().attr("name");
var P = d('img[usemap="#' + af + '"]');
var n = P.offset().left;
var L = P.offset().top;
var W = A.attr("coords") !== b ? A.attr("coords").split(",") : b;
if (T == "circle") {
var N = parseInt(W[0]);
var r = parseInt(W[1]);
var D = parseInt(W[2]);
ag = D * 2;
B = D * 2;
Z = L + r - D;
u = n + N - D
} else {
if (T == "rect") {
var N = parseInt(W[0]);
var r = parseInt(W[1]);
var q = parseInt(W[2]);
var J = parseInt(W[3]);
ag = J - r;
B = q - N;
Z = L + r;
u = n + N
} else {
if (T == "poly") {
var x = [];
var ae = [];
var H = 0,
G = 0,
ad = 0,
ac = 0;
var aj = "even";
for (i = 0; i < W.length; i++) {
var F = parseInt(W[i]);
if (aj == "even") {
if (F > ad) {
ad = F;
if (i == 0) {
H = ad
if (F < H) {
H = F
aj = "odd"
} else {
if (F > ac) {
ac = F;
if (i == 1) {
G = ac
if (F < G) {
G = F
aj = "even"
ag = ac - G;
B = ad - H;
Z = L + G;
u = n + H
} else {
ag = P.outerHeight(false);
B = P.outerWidth(false);
Z = L;
u = n
if (ab.options.fixedWidth == 0) {
width: m + "px",
"padding-left": "0px",
"padding-right": "0px"
var s = 0,
V = 0;
var X = parseInt(ab.options.offsetY);
var Y = parseInt(ab.options.offsetX);
var p = "";
function w() {
var an = d(f).scrollLeft();
if ((s - an) < 0) {
var am = s - an;
s = an;
ah.data("arrow-reposition", am)
if (((s + al) - an) > ai) {
var am = s - ((ai + an) - al);
s = (ai + an) - al;
ah.data("arrow-reposition", am)
function t(an, am) {
if (((Z - d(f).scrollTop() - M - X - 12) < 0) && (am.indexOf("top") > -1)) {
ab.options.position = an;
y = am
if (((Z + ag + M + 12 + X) > (d(f).scrollTop() + d(f).height())) && (am.indexOf("bottom") > -1)) {
ab.options.position = an;
y = am;
V = (Z - M) - X - 12
if (ab.options.position == "top") {
var Q = (u + al) - (u + B);
s = (u + Y) - (Q / 2);
V = (Z - M) - X - 12;
t("bottom", "top")
if (ab.options.position == "top-left") {
s = u + Y;
V = (Z - M) - X - 12;
t("bottom-left", "top-left")
if (ab.options.position == "top-right") {
s = (u + B + Y) - al;
V = (Z - M) - X - 12;
t("bottom-right", "top-right")
if (ab.options.position == "bottom") {
var Q = (u + al) - (u + B);
s = u - (Q / 2) + Y;
V = (Z + ag) + X + 12;
t("top", "bottom")
if (ab.options.position == "bottom-left") {
s = u + Y;
V = (Z + ag) + X + 12;
t("top-left", "bottom-left")
if (ab.options.position == "bottom-right") {
s = (u + B + Y) - al;
V = (Z + ag) + X + 12;
t("top-right", "bottom-right")
if (ab.options.position == "left") {
s = u - Y - al - 12;
myLeftMirror = u + Y + B + 12;
var K = (Z + M) - (Z + A.outerHeight(false));
V = Z - (K / 2) - X;
if ((s < 0) && ((myLeftMirror + al) > ai)) {
var o = parseFloat(ah.css("border-width")) * 2;
var l = (al + s) - o;
ah.css("width", l + "px");
M = ah.outerHeight(false);
s = u - Y - l - 12 - o;
K = (Z + M) - (Z + A.outerHeight(false));
V = Z - (K / 2) - X
} else {
if (s < 0) {
s = u + Y + B + 12;
ah.data("arrow-reposition", "left")
if (ab.options.position == "right") {
s = u + Y + B + 12;
myLeftMirror = u - Y - al - 12;
var K = (Z + M) - (Z + A.outerHeight(false));
V = Z - (K / 2) - X;
if (((s + al) > ai) && (myLeftMirror < 0)) {
var o = parseFloat(ah.css("border-width")) * 2;
var l = (ai - s) - o;
ah.css("width", l + "px");
M = ah.outerHeight(false);
K = (Z + M) - (Z + A.outerHeight(false));
V = Z - (K / 2) - X
} else {
if ((s + al) > ai) {
s = u - Y - al - 12;
ah.data("arrow-reposition", "right")
if (ab.options.arrow == true) {
var I = "tooltipster-arrow-" + ab.options.position;
if (ab.options.arrowColor.length < 1) {
var R = ah.css("background-color")
} else {
var R = ab.options.arrowColor
It sounds like you don't have the validate plugin script on the page:
It looks like you are not including the jQuery plugin that provides the .validate()
method. You should include it after jQuery:
<script src="//ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jquery.validate/1.11.1/jquery.validate.min.js"><script>
Generally, if you have an object, you can try and access different attributes using dot notation as follows:
var myAwesomeObject = {
coolProperty: "whooooa!"
, coolMethod: function() {return this;}
myAwesomeObject.coolProperty; // "whooooa!"
myAwesomeObject.coolMethod; // function(){return this;}
If the property happens to be a method, you can call it like:
myAwesomeObject.coolMethod(); // Object {coolProperty: ...
If the property you are trying to access doesn't exist on the object, you will get back undefined
myAwesomeObject.missingProperty; // undefined
Since undefined
is not a function, trying to call a missing property as a method will result in the error you saw:
myAwesomeObject.missingMethod(); // TypeError: you messed up.
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