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How do I get my CUDA specs on a Linux machine?




I'm accessing a remote machine that has a good nVidia card for CUDA computing, but I can't find a way to know which card it uses and what are the CUDA specs (version, etc.). I used the "lspci" command on the terminal, but there is no sign of a nvidia card. I'm pretty sure it has a nVidia card, and nvcc seems to be installed.

But I really want to figure out the card and CUDA specs. Any ideas?


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Michael Eilers Smith Avatar asked Dec 20 '11 22:12

Michael Eilers Smith

People also ask

How do I find my GPU CUDA cores Linux?

If you have the nvidia-settings utilities installed, you can query the number of CUDA cores of your gpus by running nvidia-settings -q CUDACores -t . If that's not working, try nvidia-settings -q :0/CUDACores .

1 Answers

If you can find where the CUDA SDK directory has been installed then you can just run the deviceQuery example which will tell you all you need to know and more. The executable should be at $(SDK)/C/bin/linux/release/deviceQuery - if it's not there then you may need to build the samples first:

$ cd $(SDK)
$ make
$ ./C/bin/linux/release/deviceQuery

The CUDA SDK directory is typically named NVIDIA_GPU_Computing_SDK (more recent CUDA versions) or just NVIDIA_CUDA_SDK (older CUDA versions).

like image 81
Paul R Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 01:10

Paul R