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How do I get Jest to run tests against a rollup+babel build?


I'm trying to set up a React module with tests. I'm using rollup to compile everything, which works fine. But I'm trying to introduce testing as well.

My directory structure:

  |- index.js
  |- .babelrc
  |- util.js
  |- .babelrc
  |- util.test.js

So far, so good. I have a .babelrc in src that applies to my source files:

  "presets": [
    ["es2015", { "modules": false }],
    ["env", { "modules": false }],
  "plugins": ["external-helpers"]

and a separate one for the Jest tests, which doesn't have the exceptions Rollup requires:

  "presets": ["es2015", "env", "react"]

Unfortunately, I get an error when I run the tests, complaining about the very first es6 feature they run in to in the source file (SyntaxError: Unexpected token export). If I remove the module exception, then the test passes, but Rollup fails.

How do I get babel to apply the module exceptions for Rollup, but not for Jest? Or is there an entirely different way I should be configuring these?

like image 646
futuraprime Avatar asked Jul 26 '17 12:07


2 Answers

I have managed a solution to this, but I don't like it and would love a more transparent one.

My test/.babelrc (with no module exceptions) is now at the root level of the project.

In my rollup.config.js, I have set rollup-plugin-babel to ignore the babelrc, and given it the options that were in my src/.babelrc:

  babelrc: false,
  presets: [
    ['es2015', { modules: false }],
    ['env', { modules: false }],
  plugins: ['external-helpers'],
  exclude: 'node_modules/**',

This seems to work, but having a .babelrc at the root level that isn't actually used in compiling the package seems like a recipe for confusion later down the line. Surely there is a better way?

like image 52
futuraprime Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09


I had a similar problem recently (although I wasn't using React), and having my .babelrc file in src/ produced the same error.

I use this configuration for my projects now. The README includes an explanation.

The key feature is that I've specified the babel config in the rollup.config.js, and I include the option babelrc: false.

I no longer get the error when I run my tests, and everything works perfectly. Does this sound reasonable to you?

import resolve from "rollup-plugin-node-resolve";
import babel from "rollup-plugin-babel";

export default {
  input: "src/index.js",
  output: [
      file: "build/index.cjs.js",
      format: "cjs"
      file: "build/index.es.js",
      format: "es"
  plugins: [
      presets: [
            modules: false
      plugins: ["external-helpers"],
      babelrc: false
like image 38
Pj Trainor Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 00:09

Pj Trainor