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How do I get Fiddler to stop ignoring traffic to localhost?

People also ask

How do I configure my Fiddler to listen to localhost?

If you're using FireFox, Fiddler's add-on will automatically configure it to not ignore localhost when capturing traffic. If traffic from localhost is still (or suddenly) not appearing, try disabling and re-enabling traffic capture from Fiddler to goad the add-on into fixing the proxy configuration.

Why is Fiddler not capturing traffic?

NET Framework are hardcoded not to send requests for Localhost through any proxies, and as a proxy, Fiddler Classic will not receive such traffic. This behavior was changed for Internet Explorer 9 in the Release Candidate build. IE9 RC allows Fiddler Classic to proxy traffic sent to localhost or 127.0.

How do you capture traffic in Fiddler everywhere?

Click Open Browser from the Live Traffic toolbar. Enter the URL in the newly opened Chrome window. Fiddler Everywhere immediately starts capturing all the traffic generated from the preconfigured browser.

To get Fiddler to capture traffic when you are debugging on local host, after you hit F5 to begin degugging change the address so that localhost has a "." after it.

For instance, you start debugging and the you have the following URL in the Address bar:


Change it to:


Hit enter and Fidder will start picking up your traffic.

Fiddler's website addresses this question directly.

There are several suggested workarounds, but the most straightforward is simply to use the machine name rather than "localhost" or "":


The correct answer is that it's not that Fiddler ignores traffic targeted at Localhost, but rather that most applications are hardcoded to bypass proxies (of which Fiddler is one) for requests targeted to localhost.

Hence, the various workarounds available: http://fiddler2.com/documentation/Configure-Fiddler/Tasks/MonitorLocalTraffic

Fiddler v4.5.1.0 will allow you to go to replace "localhost" with "localhost.fiddler", and present localhost as the host name for the receiving server running on your machine.

This avoids "host not recognised" errors when connecting to WCF services with the built in web server that visual studio uses.

i.e. Instead of http://localhost:51900/service.wcf you can use http://localhost.fiddler:51900/service.wcf

Internet Explorer has a new feature since IE9 RC: adding <-loopback> to the proxy bypass list causes WinInet (the network library used by IE) to send requests destined for localhost and through the defined proxy.

Here's the original announcement by @EricLaw: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/fiddler/archive/2011/02/10/fiddler-is-better-with-internet-explorer-9.aspx

For Fiddler to capture traffic from localhost on local IIS, there are 3 steps (It worked on my computer):

  1. Click Tools > Fiddler Options. Ensure Allow remote clients to connect is checked. Close Fiddler.

enter image description here

  1. Create a new DWORD named ReverseProxyForPort inside KEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Fiddler2. Set the DWORD to port 80 (choose decimal here). Restart Fiddler.

enter image description here

  1. Add port 8888 to the addresses defined in your client. For example localhost:8888/MyService/WebAPI/v1/