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How do I get docker cloud (formerly tutum) and haproxy to use SSL?




I just purchased an SSL Certificate. It came with 1 server certificate, 1 intermediate certificate and 1 root certificate.

I have my *.csr file and *.key used to create the certificates.

I am using Tutum with HAProxy and there is a SSL_CERT environment variable. I read the documentation but could not get it to work properly. How do I set this SSL_CERT environment variable?

like image 791
ericraio Avatar asked Feb 09 '15 05:02


People also ask

How do I enable SSL on HAProxy?

First, create a self-signed SSL certificate Use the following command to create your self-signed SSL certificate and move it to /etc/ssl/private. root@haproxy:~# openssl req -nodes -x509 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout /etc/ssl/private/test. key -out /etc/ssl/private/test.

How to update SSL certificate in HAProxy?

Configure PEM SSL Certificate in HAProxy Next, open your HAProxy configuration file and configure the certificate under the frontend listener section, using the ssl and crt parameters: the former enables SSL termination and the latter specifies the location of the certificate file.

What is SSL verify none in HAProxy?

backend webservers server web1 ssl verify none server web2 ssl verify none. In this example, verify is set to none, which means that HAProxy Enterprise will not check that the server's certificate is trusted. This is helpful when using self-signed certificates.

Does HAProxy use OpenSSL?

HAProxy is compiled with OpenSSL, which allows it to encrypt and decrypt traffic as it passes.

1 Answers

I am the maintainer of the tutum/haproxy image. To use SSL_CERT, you need a file containing both your public certificate(your.crt) and private key(your.key). You can do as follows:

cp your.key cert.pem cat your.crt >> cert.pem

Then, you can run: awk 1 ORS='\\n' ~/cert.pem.

Copy the output to SSL_CERT


like image 142
hfeng Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 07:10
