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How do I get Debug/Trace.Writeline output from a WCF Service




I have a WCF Service hosted in IIS. I am getting the WCF Tracing , but I can't find where my trace.writeline entries are going. My trace listener only logs the WCF Tracing. Is there a specific Source I need to add to get this included.

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Ross Avatar asked Oct 13 '10 02:10


1 Answers

  • Start the Event Viewer
  • Open the Applications and Services logs folder
  • -> Microsoft -> Windows -> Application Server-Applications
  • Right click the Application Server-Applications folder and choose View -> Show Analytic and Debug Logs
  • Expand the Application Server-Applications folder and right click the Debug log. Choose Enable Log.

If you know you run a WCF/WF service compiled in debug mode, the Debug.WriteLine() should be logged to the log.

Remember to disable the log when you're done with it.


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larsw Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 06:09
