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How do I get all words that begin with a capital letter following a specific string?




I have some text that could look something like this:

Name is William Bob Francis Ford Coppola-Mr-Cool King-Of-The-Mountain is a fake name.

I would like to run a regular expression against that string and pull out

William Bob Francis Ford Coppola-Mr-Cool King-Of-The-Mountain 

as a match.

My current regex looks like this:

/\b((NAME\s\s*)(((\s*\,*\s*)? *)(([A-Z\'\-])([A-Za-z\'\-]+)*\s*){2,})?)\b/ig

and it does most of what I want but it's not perfect. Instead of just getting the name, it is also getting the "is a" following the name like this:

"William Bob Francis Ford Coppola-Mr-Cool King-Of-The-Mountain is a"

What is a regex formula to get only the words starting with a capital letter following the "Name" label and end when the next word starts with a lowercase after a space?

like image 978
adhoc Avatar asked Jun 10 '19 22:06


People also ask

How do you make each word start with a capital letter?

To use a keyboard shortcut to change between lowercase, UPPERCASE, and Capitalize Each Word, select the text and then press fn+ SHIFT + F3 until the style you want is applied.

How do I get the first letter of a capital in regex?

replace(/\b\w/g, c => c. toUpperCase()); The regular expression basically matches the first letter of each word within the given string and transforms only that letter to uppercase.

How do you check if there is a capital letter in a string?

To check if a letter in a string is uppercase or lowercase use the toUpperCase() method to convert the letter to uppercase and compare it to itself. If the comparison returns true , then the letter is uppercase, otherwise it's lowercase. Copied!

What is it called when you capitalize the first letter of every word?

Title case, which capitalizes the first letter of certain key words. Sentence case, in which titles are capitalized like sentences. Initial case, where the first letter of every word is capitalized.

2 Answers

How do you like /Name ((?:[A-Z]\w+[ -]?)+)/?

Regex101: https://regex101.com/r/BFJBpZ/1

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truth Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 02:09


You can use:



  • \K resets the starting point of the matching after having matched Name followed by some words in lower case
  • (?:[A-Z][a-z]+[\s-]*)+ will match all the words starting with a capital letter
  • (?=\s[a-z]) add the constraint that the following word starts with a lower case letter

demo: https://regex101.com/r/WBrdFU/1/


you shouldn't use the i option in your regex, if you do so all of your char classes [A-Z] will at the same time match upper case letters but also lower case letters... This would prevent you from selecting the words that start with a capital letter!!!

Adding the names with apostrophe:


demo: https://regex101.com/r/WBrdFU/3/

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Allan Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 04:09
