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How do I get a TestNG report to show console output?



How do I get my TestNG report to show a link to the console output from the report? I've seen TestNG do it before but a project I am working on right now isn't showing any of the output and I can't find any information anywhere that says how to turn it on. I tried setting the "verbose" option in the testng.xml suite tag but that didn't have any effect at all.

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djangofan Avatar asked Dec 21 '13 05:12


People also ask

How do I print a TestNG console?

if you want to print logs in TestNG report you can always use Reporter. log(""). Log4J is very easy to configure with the help of xml property file.

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1 Answers

please use below line to show console log while writing test using testNG.

Reporter.log( "Message", true );
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Himanshu Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 14:09
