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How do I get a list of files that have been `required` in Ruby?

This is purely an experiment, but I'm wondering if it's possible to get a list of the require'd gems at runtime via some kind of metaprogramming. For example, say I have:

require 'rubygems' require 'sinatra' require 'nokogiri'  # don't know what to do here 

How can I print out the following at runtime?

this app needs rubygems, sinatra, nokogiri 
like image 931
Jihan Avatar asked Aug 25 '11 12:08


People also ask

How do I get a list of files in Ruby?

Use Dir. glob to List All Files in a Folder.

What happens when you require a file in Ruby?

In Ruby, the require method is used to load another file and execute all its statements. This serves to import all class and method definitions in the file.

What is require in rails?

require can also be used to load only a part of a gem, like an extension to it. Then it is of course required where the configuration is. You might be concerned if you work in a multi-threaded environment, as they are some problems with that. You must then ensure everything is loaded before having your threads running.

1 Answers

You can't do this exactly, because requiring one file may require others, and Ruby can't tell the difference between the file that you required and the file that someone else required.

You can check out $LOADED_FEATURES for a list of every single thing that's been required. But you should use Bundler if you want to specify dependencies explicitly.

Here's a thoroughly imperfect way to guess at the gem names and enumerate everything:

ruby-1.9.2-p180 :001 > $LOADED_FEATURES.    select { |feature| feature.include? 'gems' }.    map { |feature| File.dirname(feature) }.    map { |feature| feature.split('/').last }.    uniq.sort  => ["1.9.1", "action_dispatch", "action_pack", "action_view", "actions", "active_model", "active_record", "active_support", "addressable", "agent", "array", "aws", "builder", "bundler", "cache_stores", "cancan", "cdn", "class", "client", "common", "compute", "connection", "control", "controllers", "core", "core_ext", "core_extensions", "css", "data_mapper", "decorators", "dependencies", "dependency_detection", "deprecation", "devise", "digest", "dns", "encodings", "encryptor", "engine", "errors", "excon", "ext", "failure", "faraday", "fields", "fog", "formatador", "geographer", "haml", "hash", "helpers", "heroku_san", "hmac", "hooks", "hoptoad_notifier", "html", "http", "i18n", "idna", "importers", "inflector", "initializers", "instrumentation", "integrations", "interpolate", "interval_skip_list", "jquery-rails", "json", "kaminari", "kernel", "lib", "mail", "metric_parser", "mime", "mixins", "model_adapters", "models", "module", "mongo_mapper", "mongoid", "multibyte", "new_relic", "node", "nokogiri", "numeric", "oauth", "object", "omniauth", "orm_adapter", "package", "parser", "parsers", "plugin", "pp", "providers", "queued", "rack", "rails", "railtie", "redis", "request", "request_proxy", "resp    ruby-1.9.2-p180 :008 >onse", "resque", "retriever_methods", "routing", "ruby_extensions", "ruby_flipper", "rubygems", "runtime", "samplers", "sass", "sax", "script", "scss", "selector", "sequel", "ses", "shell", "signature", "simple_geo", "state_machine", "stats_engine", "storage", "strategies", "string", "tar_reader", "template", "terremark", "thor", "tokens", "tree", "treetop", "twitter", "us", "util", "vendor", "version_specific", "visitors", "warden", "xml", "xml_mini", "xpath", "xslt"]  
like image 90
John Feminella Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 03:10

John Feminella