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How do I generate the GitHub OAuth token for organization accounts?

I have created an organization on GitHub. My organization has some repos. These repos have API documentation that I would like to re-build and publish to gh-pages branch via Travis-CI. In order to give Travis-CI access to my organization's repos I need to generate an OAuth token, encrypt it, and then add then include the encypted token in the .travis.yml file as follows...

env:   global:   - secure: "lots-of-seemingly-random-characters" 

This SO post explains the process and provides the details on how to do this for user accounts. How do I generate the required OAuth token for organization accounts?

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davidrpugh Avatar asked Jul 01 '15 10:07


People also ask

How do I create a GitHub token for repository?

To create a personal access token in GitHub, you need to visit the Settings of the user account and under Developer settings you will find Personal access tokens. Select Generate new token, enter in a name as the Token description and enable the repo checkbox.

How do I get my GitHub token password?

Under your GitHub user profile (not the repository profile), click the “Settings” link. Scroll down and click the “Developer Settings” link. Click the GitHub “Personal access tokens” link. Click the “Generate new token” link and provide your password again if required.

1 Answers

That's not possible currently, you can only create tokens for user accounts since user accounts have permissions associated with them (organizations don't). So, you'd need to create a token with an account which has access to the repository in question and give that to Travis. You can also create a machine account for that purpose.

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Ivan Zuzak Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 15:10

Ivan Zuzak