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How do I generate the class path for a Gradle project?




I have a gradle project with multiple packages. After the build, each package generates its jar files in build/libs. The external jar dependencies are pulled into ~/.gradle. I would now like to run the service locally from the commandline with the appropriate classpath. For this purpose, I am writing a script that constructs the classpath. The problem is that the script does not understand all the external dependencies and hence cannot construct the classpath. Is there a way for gradle to help with this? Ideally, I would like to dump all the dependencies into a folder at the end of the build.

like image 805
Sriram Subramanian Avatar asked Nov 20 '13 20:11

Sriram Subramanian

1 Answers

Firstly, i would suggest using the application plugin if you can, since it takes care of this already.

If you want to dump the classpath to a file yourself, the simplest way is something like:

task writeClasspath << {
    new File(buildDir, "classpath.txt").text = configurations.runtime.asPath + "\n"

If you want to actually copy all the libraries on the classpath into a directory, you can do:

task copyDependencies(type: Copy) {
    from configurations.runtime
    into new File(buildDir, "dependencies")
like image 145
Tom Anderson Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 21:11

Tom Anderson