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How do I generate a QR code for a Bitcoin address with amount?


The closest I've gotten is from blockchain.info


I can't find any documentation for other parameters like 'amount' though?

I did find a service that does a generate a QR code with an amount. I just have never heard of them before (trust?). And am not sure what to put for 'error correction level' or 'code square size' given this code will be displayed on a website.

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magician11 Avatar asked Aug 16 '14 11:08


People also ask

How do I find my bitcoin QR code?

You can also use your unique crypto addresses to find your transaction hash ID on a block explorer. Sign in to your Coinbase account. Go to Crypto addresses. Under Asset, click Add to get the QR code for each cryptocurrency.

How do I create a Blockchain QR code?

First select the type of cryptocurrency you would like a QR code for — for example Bitcoin. Enter a public wallet address into the field marked "wallet address". Then press the "generate your QR code" button. Your QR code is now ready to download or scan.

2 Answers

There are many ways you can generate a QR code!

IMO, the most trusted way to generate a QR code is through google!

You can simply make an tag with this link:

https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=250x250&cht=qr&chl= 12kQMUkB9QJu9X5JP9H9M2qMUmrGtDakkV

Im not sure what you mean by "trust". You dont really need to worry about trust since these are just the public keys, and not the private keys.

I hope this helps! (My BTC address is in the QR code!)

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nahtnam Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 12:09


I use GoogleApi to generate QR codes for bitcoin and altcoins

The syntax is a bit tricky since the "data" portion (chl=*), is itself urlencoded (use %26 instead of &):


You can make a QR code for other altcoins by changing the chl=bitcoin:1(...) to chl=litecoin:L(...), etc

I made a multi-coin QR code generator for my website with all the available options:


The only thing Google is missing, is to verify the address is legitimate (and not a typo), which my api handles seperately

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Moloch Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 10:09
