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How do I format a number with commas in T-SQL?

People also ask

How do you put commas in numbers?

A comma is placed every third digit to the left of the decimal point and so is used in numbers with four or more digits. Continue to place a comma after every third digit. For example: $1,000,000 (one million dollars)

How does SQL handle commas?

Special characters such as commas and quotes must be "escaped," which means you place a backslash in front of the character to insert the character as a part of the MySQL string.

Are commas allowed in SQL?

Commas act as a separator in SQL. There should not be any commas between FROM and the first table name or after the final table name. The same idea applies to column definition: when you create a table, be sure not to type an extra comma after the final column name. This is a really common error.

In SQL Server 2012 and higher, this will format a number with commas:

select format([Number], 'N0')

You can also change 0 to the number of decimal places you want.

While I agree with everyone, including the OP, who says that formatting should be done in the presentation layer, this formatting can be accomplished in T-SQL by casting to money and then converting to varchar. This does include trailing decimals, though, that could be looped off with SUBSTRING.

SELECT CONVERT(varchar, CAST(987654321 AS money), 1)

I'd recommend Replace in lieu of Substring to avoid string length issues:

REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(20), (CAST(SUM(table.value) AS money)), 1), '.00', '')

For SQL Server 2012+ implementations, you will have the ability to use the FORMAT to apply string formatting to non-string data types.

In the original question, the user had requested the ability to use commas as thousands separators. In a closed as duplicate question, the user had asked how they could apply currency formatting. The following query shows how to perform both tasks. It also demonstrates the application of culture to make this a more generic solution (addressing Tsiridis Dimitris's function to apply Greek special formatting)

-- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh213505(v=sql.110).aspx
-- FORMAT does not do conversion, that's the domain of cast/convert/parse etc
-- Only accepts numeric and date/time data types for formatting. 
-- Formatting Types
-- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/26etazsy.aspx

-- Standard numeric format strings
-- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dwhawy9k.aspx
    -- c => currency
    -- n => numeric
    FORMAT(987654321, N'N', C.culture) AS some_number
,   FORMAT(987654321, N'c', C.culture) AS some_currency
,   C.culture
        -- Language culture names
        -- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee825488(v=cs.20).aspx
        ,   ('en-GB')
        ,   ('ja-JP')
        ,   ('Ro-RO')
        ,   ('el-GR')
    ) C (culture);

SQLFiddle for the above

Demo 1

Demonstrates adding commas:

PRINT FORMATMESSAGE('The number is: %s', format(5000000, '#,##0'))
-- Output
The number is: 5,000,000

Demo 2

Demonstrates commas and decimal points. Observe that it rounds the last digit if necessary.

PRINT FORMATMESSAGE('The number is: %s', format(5000000.759145678, '#,##0.00'))
-- Output
The number is: 5,000,000.76


SQL Server 2012+.