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How do I fix "The type or namespace name could not be found"?



This is a followup to my earlier question https://codereview.stackexchange.com/questions/12165/efficency-in-c/12169, and I tried my best to use BigIntegers in place of the ulongs, but I must have done something wrong. I am new to C#, and I am familiar with Java. This was my best shot at conversion:

using System;

namespace System.Numerics{

      public class Factorial{

             public static void Main(){

             String InString = Console.ReadLine();

             BigInteger num = 0;

             BigInteger factorial = 1;

             try {
                 num = BigInteger.Parse(InString);
             catch (FormatException) {

                  Console.WriteLine("Unable to convert the String into a BigInteger");

            for (BigInteger forBlockvar = num; forBlockvar > 1; forBlockvar--){

                     factorial *= forBlockvar;


            Console.WriteLine("The Factorial for the Given input is:");


And I got the following errors:

prog.cs(11,18): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `BigInteger' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
prog.cs(13,18): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `BigInteger' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?
prog.cs(26,22): error CS0246: The type or namespace name `BigInteger' could not be found. Are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?

What does this error mean and how do I fix it?

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fr00ty_l00ps Avatar asked May 30 '12 16:05


People also ask

Why am I getting error CS0246 the type or namespace name could not be found?

This often occurs because the casing used in the name of the type is not correct. For example, Dataset ds; generates CS0246 because the s in Dataset must be capitalized. If the error is for a type name, did you include the proper using directive, or, alternatively, fully qualify the name of the type?

How do I fix error CS0246?

If you hover your mouse over the red line under GridLayoutGroup (provided you use visual studio as your IDE) then a light bulb should appear. Hover your mouse over the light bulb, you will have an option like "Using UnityEngine. UI" click on it and your problem will be solved.

How do you change your namespace name?

Place your cursor in the namespace name. Press Ctrl+. to trigger the Quick Actions and Refactorings menu. Select Change namespace to <folder name>.

How do I add a namespace in Visual Studio?

To add an imported namespaceIn Solution Explorer, double-click the My Project node for the project. In the Project Designer, click the References tab. In the Imported Namespaces list, select the check box for the namespace that you wish to add. In order to be imported, the namespace must be in a referenced component.

1 Answers

You need to add a reference (right-click on References in the Solution Explorer and select Add Reference) to System.Numerics.dll.

Also, put in using System.Numerics rather than having your method's namespace be that (i.e. name it something more descriptive for your codebase).

like image 101
Jesse C. Slicer Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Jesse C. Slicer