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How do I find usages of method implementation in eclipse?




When I want to find usages of a normal method in java it is fairly easy and straightforward CTRL-SHIFT-G .

However if this method has a super definition, or implementation, then eclipse will show me usages of all types in the hierarchy types.

For example, if I have a toString() method on my class, I would only be interested in finding exactly where this toString() of this class was being called, instead eclipse gives me every single ancestor toString in the project (ie Object.toString()).

How do I find only specific usages to my class? And not usages of parent classes like Object.toString() ?

like image 611
Oliver Watkins Avatar asked Jun 12 '18 11:06

Oliver Watkins

1 Answers

Alt + ctrl + h should give you exactly, what you are looking for.

Updated with screenshot from my workspace as some people are facing issue in following it:

enter image description here

like image 192
Prateek Jain Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 07:09

Prateek Jain