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How do I find and replace 'nil' values of Ruby hash with "None" or 0?

I'm trying to drill down to each value in an iteration of an array nested hash and replace all nil values with something like 'None' or 0. Please see my code that is clearly not working. I need to fix this before I pass it to my Views in Rails for iteration and rendering:

My controller:

def show
  results = Record.get_record(params[:trans_uuid])
  if !results.empty?
    record = results.map { |res| res.attributes.symbolize_keys }
    @record = Record.replace_nil(record) # this calls method in Model
    flash[:error] = 'No record found'

My model:

def self.replace_nil(record)
  record.each do |r|
    r.values == nil ? "None" : r.values

record looks like this when passed to Model method self.replace_nil(record:

[{:id=>1, :time_inserted=>Wed, 03 Apr 2019 15:41:06 UTC +00:00, :time_modified=>nil, :request_state=>"NY", :trans_uuid=>"fe27813c-561c-11e9-9284-0282b642e944", :sent_to_state=>-1, :completed=>-1, :record_found=>-1, :retry_flag=>-1, :chargeable=>-1, :note=>"", :bridge_resultcode=>"xxxx", :bridge_charges=>-1}]
like image 686
Demian Sims Avatar asked Oct 04 '19 18:10

Demian Sims

People also ask

How do you get rid of nil in Ruby?

Syntax: Array. compact() Parameter: Array to remove the 'nil' value from. Return: removes all the nil values from the array.

1 Answers

each won't "persist" the value you're yielding within the block. Try map instead.

def self.replace_nil(record) 
  record.map do |r| 
    r.values.nil? ? "None" : r.values

In fact, there's a method for that; transform_values:

record.transform_values do |value|
   value.nil? ? 'None' : value

I realized that using Rails you can use just presence and the or operator:

record.transform_values do |value|
  value.presence || 'None'
like image 174
Sebastian Palma Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 09:10

Sebastian Palma