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How do I find a complete word (not part of it) in a string in C++





In a C++ code, I'm trying to search for a word in a sentence but it keeps doing partial search. I want it to search only for the complete word not parts of it too, any help?

size_t kk;
string word="spo";
string sentence="seven spoons";

if (kk !=string::npos)
cout << "something" << endl;
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user2949483 Avatar asked Mar 19 '14 19:03


People also ask

How do I find a word in a string in C?

Search for a character in a string - strchr & strrchr The strchr function returns the first occurrence of a character within a string. The strrchr returns the last occurrence of a character within a string. They return a character pointer to the character found, or NULL pointer if the character is not found.

How do you find a given word in a string?

To find a word in the string, we are using indexOf() and contains() methods of String class. The indexOf() method is used to find an index of the specified substring in the present string. It returns a positive integer as an index if substring found else returns -1.

How do you see if a substring is in a string C?

To check if a string contains given substring, iterate over the indices of this string and check if there is match with the substring from this index of the string in each iteration. If there is a match, then the substring is present in this string.

How do you check if a substring is present in a string in C++?

Check if a string contains a sub-string in C++ This find() method returns the first location where the string is found. Here we are using this find() function multiple times to get all of the matches. If the item is found, this function returns the position. But if it is not found, it will return string::npos.

1 Answers

It sounds like what you want is handled by the concept of word boundaries or word characters in regular expressions.

Here's a program that will return only a complete match. That is, it will only return a word if that word completely matches the exact word you're searching for. If some word in sentence has your target word as a strict substring then it will not be returned.

#include <regex>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>

int main() {
  std::string word = "spo"; // spo is a word?
  std::string sentence = "seven spoons";

  std::regex r("\\b" + word + "\\b"); // the pattern \b matches a word boundary
  std::smatch m;

  if (std::regex_search(sentence, m, r)) { // this won't find anything because 'spoons' is not the word you're searching for
    std::cout << "match 1: " << m.str() << '\n';

  sentence = "what does the word 'spo' mean?";    
  if (std::regex_search(sentence, m, r)) { // this does find the word 'spo'
    std::cout << "match 2: " << m.str() << '\n';

Or alternatively maybe you mean you want to find any word that matches a partial word you're searching for. regex can do that as well:

  std::string partial_word = "spo";
  std::regex r("\\w*" + partial_word + "\\w*"); // the pattern \w matches a word character

This produces:

match 1: spoons
match 2: spo
like image 199
bames53 Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10
