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How do I Execute Code after a Test failed

I am Creating Unit Tests for a Library. This Library Connects to a Datasource and then I am doing some testing Stuff afterwards the Datasource will be disconnected.

If one of the Tests fails, the Method is Terminated and I dont get to execute the Disconnection Function.

Here's a Sample to understande the above description:

public void Test()
    var datasourceObject = new DatasourceObject("location-string");

    // Do some Stuff with Asserts

    datasourceObject.Disconnect(); // must be executed

Is There any Bestpractice to achieve that?

like image 415
LuckyLikey Avatar asked May 05 '15 10:05


1 Answers

If you use resource in other tests, then move it to class fields and use [TestInitialize] and [TestCleanup] to get and free that resource:

private Foo datasourceObject;

public void TestInitialize()
    this.datasourceObject = new DatasourceObject("location-string");

public void Test()
    // Do some Stuff with Asserts

public void TestCleanup()

If you use resource in this test only, then use either try..finally

public void Test()
        var datasourceObject = new DatasourceObject("location-string");
        // Do some Stuff with Asserts
        datasourceObject.Disconnect(); // must be executed

Or using statement if resource is disposable:

public void Test()
    using(var datasourceObject = new DatasourceObject("location-string"))
        // Do some Stuff with Asserts
like image 62
Sergey Berezovskiy Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Sergey Berezovskiy