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How do I examine the contents of an std::vector in gdb, using the icc compiler?







I want to examine the contents of a std::vector in gdb but I don't have access to _M_impl because I'm using icc, not gcc, how do I do it? Let's say it's a std::vector for the sake of simplicity.

There is a very nice answer here but this doesn't work if I use icc, the error message is "There is no member or method named _M_impl". There appears to be a nice debug toolset here but it also relies on _M_impl.

like image 699
Brett Hall Avatar asked Nov 26 '08 22:11

Brett Hall

People also ask

How do you check if something is present in a std vector?

The most straightforward solution is to count the total number of elements in the vector that have the specified value. If the count is greater than zero, we've found our element. This is simple to accomplish with the std::count function.

How do you access the elements of a vector by index?

Access an element in vector using vector::at() reference at(size_type n); reference at(size_type n); It returns the reference of element at index n in vector. If index n is out of range i.e. greater then size of vector then it will throw out_of_range exception.

What is a std :: vector?

1) std::vector is a sequence container that encapsulates dynamic size arrays. 2) std::pmr::vector is an alias template that uses a polymorphic allocator. The elements are stored contiguously, which means that elements can be accessed not only through iterators, but also using offsets to regular pointers to elements.

2 Answers

Not sure this will work with your vector, but it worked for me.

#include <string>
#include <vector>

int main() {
    std::vector<std::string> vec;
    return 0;


(gdb) break source.cpp:8
(gdb) run
(gdb) p vec.begin()
$1 = {
   _M_current = 0x300340
(gdb) p $1._M_current->c_str()
$2 = 0x3002fc "Hello"
(gdb) p $1._M_current +1
$3 = (string *) 0x300344
(gdb) p $3->c_str()
$4 = 0x30032c "world"
like image 151
Mic Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09


Generally when I deal with the container classes in a debugger, I build a reference to the element, as a local variable, so it is easy to see in the debugger, without mucking about in the container implementation.

Here is a contrived example.

vector<WeirdStructure>  myWeird;

/* push back a lot of stuff into the vector */ 

size_t z;
for (z = 0; z < myWeird.size(); z++)
    WeirdStructure& weird = myWeird[z];

    /* at this point weird is directly observable by the debugger */ 

    /* your code to manipulate weird goes here */  

That is the idiom I use.

like image 40
EvilTeach Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 01:09
