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How do I enable spell checking in Eclipse?


Is there any way to enable code spell checking in Eclipse? I misspell words fairly often.

For example: void spllmstake() => void spellmistake()

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Bmis13 Avatar asked Jan 09 '12 10:01


People also ask

How do I turn spell check back on?

Go to Settings. languages. To the right of 'Spell check', turn it on or off.

How do I turn off spell check in eclipse?

I can turn off the spelling checker with Window, Preferences, General, Editors, Text Editors and uncheck Enable Spell checking.

Why is spell checking not working?

Make sure Word spell check is turned on, the most likely culprit and most straightforward solution. If you haven't enabled automatic spell-checking, the tool won't function as you expect. Also, select the Mark grammar errors as you type and Check grammar with spelling check boxes.

2 Answers

I have found a spell checker and proved it (with your example), and it seems to work. Do the following steps:

  • Download espell checker as zip file
  • Call Help > Install New Software > Add... > Archive...
  • Insert the path and file name of the zip file.
  • Do the normal installation with restart
  • Go to Window > Preferences > Spelling > AspectJ, Java, ...
  • Ensure that Check Names is selected.

In your example, the word spllmstake is marked as wrong, as is spellmistake. spellMistake (like two words) works well.

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mliebelt Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10


Eclipse has a built-in Spell Checker. Go to Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Spelling to enable it.

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dogbane Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 10:10
