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How do I enable remote access/request in Elasticsearch 2.0?

People also ask

How do I access Elasticsearch from another server?

To access the Elasticsearch server from another computer or application, make the following changes to the node's /opt/bitnami/elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch. yml file: network. host: Specify the hostname or IP address where the server will be accessible.

How do you expose Elasticsearch to public?

You need to include network. host:0.0. 0.0 in your elasticsearch. yml file so that it listens on the non-loopback address and after that, if your app-server and ES are both in the same VPC, app-server will be able to connect to ES(provided if you exposed 9200 port in security group(in case of AWS).

How do I connect to an Elasticsearch server?

There are two ways to connect to your Elasticsearch cluster: Through the RESTful API or through the Java transport client. Both ways use an endpoint URL that includes a port, such as https://ec47fc4d2c53414e1307e85726d4b9bb.us-east-1.aws.found.io:9243 .

How do I access Elasticsearch from my browser?

Using default configuration elasticsearch is accessible from anywhere. But for security reasons many people bind it to localhost or the intranet ip to restrict access to outside. Show activity on this post. To enable the firewall for accessing the elasticsearch from anywhere, run - ufw enable.

In config/elasticsearch.yml put


By default http transport and internal elasticsearch transport only listens to localhost. If you want to access Elasticsearch from the host other than localhost then try adding following configurations in config/elasticsearch.yml.

transport.host: localhost 
transport.tcp.port: 9300 
http.port: 9200

Here, network.host as allow access from any host within the network.

Rename the elasticsearch.yml file to elasticsearch.json inside config folder and add:

    "network" : {
        "host" : ""

Another option is to provide the settings externally either using the ES_JAVA_OPTS or as parameters to the elasticsearch command, for example:

$ elasticsearch -Des.network.host=

Another option is to set es.default. prefix instead of es. prefix, which means the default setting will be used only if not explicitly set in the configuration file.

Another option is to use the ${...} notation within the configuration file which will resolve to an environment setting, for example:

    "network" : {
        "host" : "${ES_NET_HOST}"

The location of the configuration file can be set externally using a system property:

$ elasticsearch -Des.config=/path/to/config/file

For more info, check out https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/1.4/setup-configuration.html

In /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml set the following value:

network.host: [ localhost, _site_ ]

This option allows you to access from both the localhost and from all computers on the local network (192.168.X.X), but not from outside.
Read more about this and other options read the documentation