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How do I easily find IDENTITY columns in danger of overflowing?

My database is getting old, and one of my biggest INT IDENTITY columns has a value around 1.3 billion. This will overflow around 2.1 billion. I plan on increasing it's size, but I don't want to do it too soon because of the number of records in the database. I may replace my database hardware before I increase the column size, which could offset any performance problems this could cause. I also want to keep an eye on all the other columns in my databases that are more than 50% full. It's a lot of tables, and checking each one manually is not practical.

This is how I am getting the value now (I know the value returned may be slightly out of date, but it's good enough for my purposes):

PRINT IDENT_CURRENT('MyDatabase.dbo.MyTable')

Can I use the INFORMATION_SCHEMA to get this information?

like image 677
Keith Walton Avatar asked Jan 05 '12 16:01

Keith Walton

People also ask

How can you tell if a table has an identity column?

Call this stored procedure using the datareader role, then check datareader. hasrows() . If the condition value is true ( 1 ), then the table has identity column if set. If not then it doesn't have an identity column.

What if identity column reaches max?

Once an IDENTITY column reaches its maximum value, insert statements return an error that aborts the current transaction.

How do I manage the identity column in replication?

Replication offers three identity range management options: Automatic. Used for merge replication and transactional replication with updates at the Subscriber. Specify size ranges for the Publisher and Subscribers, and replication automatically manages the assignment of new ranges.

3 Answers

You can consult the sys.identity_columns system catalog view:

    seed_value, increment_value, last_value
FROM sys.identity_columns

This gives you the name, seed, increment and last value for each column. The view also contains the data type, so you can easily figure out which identity columns might be running out of numbers soonish...

like image 105
marc_s Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10


I created a stored procedure to solve this problem. It uses the INFORMATION_SCHEMA to find the IDENTITY columns, and then uses IDENT_CURRENT and the column's DATA_TYPE to calculate the percent full. Specify the database as the first parameter, and then optionally the minimum percent and data type.

EXEC master.dbo.CheckIdentityColumns 'MyDatabase' --all

EXEC master.dbo.CheckIdentityColumns 'MyDatabase', 50 --columns 50% full or greater

EXEC master.dbo.CheckIdentityColumns 'MyDatabase', 50, 'int' --only int columns

Example output:

Table                     Column             Type    Percent Full Remaining
------------------------- ------------------ ------- ------------ ---------------
MyDatabase.dbo.Table1     Table1ID           int     9            1,937,868,393
MyDatabase.dbo.Table2     Table2ID           int     5            2,019,944,894
MyDatabase.dbo.Table3     Table3ID           int     9            1,943,793,775

I created a reminder to check all my databases once per month, and I log this information in a spreadsheet.

IDENTITY tracking spreadsheet

CheckIdentityColumns Procedure

USE master

CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.CheckIdentityColumns
    @Database       AS NVARCHAR(128),
    @PercentFull    AS TINYINT          = 0,
    @Type           AS VARCHAR(8)       = NULL


--this procedure assumes you are not using negative numbers in your identity columns


SET @Sql = 
'USE ' + @Database + '

    [Column].TABLE_CATALOG + ''.'' +
    [Column].TABLE_SCHEMA + ''.'' +
    [Table].TABLE_NAME          AS [Table],
    [Column].COLUMN_NAME                        AS [Column],
    [Column].DATA_TYPE              AS [Type],
    WHEN ''tinyint''
    THEN (IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME) / 255)  
    WHEN ''smallint''
    THEN (IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME) / 32767)  
    WHEN ''int''
    THEN (IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME) / 2147483647)  
    WHEN ''bigint''
    THEN (IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME) / 9223372036854775807)  
    WHEN ''decimal''
    THEN (IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME) / (([Column].NUMERIC_PRECISION * 10) - 1))  
    END * 100) AS INT)                  AS [Percent Full],
    WHEN ''tinyint''
    THEN (255 - IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME))  
    WHEN ''smallint''
    THEN (32767 - IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME))  
    WHEN ''int''
    THEN (2147483647 - IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME))  
    WHEN ''bigint''
    THEN (9223372036854775807 - IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME))  
    WHEN ''decimal''
    THEN ((([Column].NUMERIC_PRECISION * 10) - 1) - IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME))  
    AS MONEY) , 1), ''.00'', '''')              AS Remaining

    INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS                  AS [Column]

    INNER JOIN    
    INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES                   AS [Table]
    ON      [Table].TABLE_NAME                  = [Column].TABLE_NAME

        [Column].COLUMN_NAME, ''IsIdentity'') = 1 --true
    AND [Table].TABLE_TYPE                      = ''Base Table'' 
    AND [Table].TABLE_NAME                      NOT LIKE ''dt%'' 
    AND [Table].TABLE_NAME                      NOT LIKE ''MS%'' 
    AND [Table].TABLE_NAME                      NOT LIKE ''syncobj_%''
    WHEN ''tinyint''
    THEN (IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME) / 255)  
    WHEN ''smallint''
    THEN (IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME) / 32767)  
    WHEN ''int''
    THEN (IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME) / 2147483647)  
    WHEN ''bigint''
    THEN (IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME) / 9223372036854775807)  
    WHEN ''decimal''
    THEN (IDENT_CURRENT([Table].TABLE_NAME) / (([Column].NUMERIC_PRECISION * 10) - 1))  
    END * 100
    ) AS INT)                                    >= ' + CAST(@PercentFull AS VARCHAR(4))

    SET @Sql = @Sql + 'AND  LOWER([Column].DATA_TYPE)    = ''' + LOWER(@Type) + ''''

SET @Sql = @Sql + '

    [Column].TABLE_CATALOG + ''.'' +
    [Column].TABLE_SCHEMA + ''.'' +

EXECUTE sp_executesql @Sql
like image 28
Keith Walton Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10

Keith Walton

Keith Walton has a very comprehensive query that is very good. Here's a little simpler one that is based on the assumption that the identity columns are all integers:

SELECT sys.tables.name AS [Table Name], 
    last_value AS [Last Value],     
    CAST(cast(last_value as int) / 2147483647.0 * 100.0 AS DECIMAL(5,2)) 
        AS [Percentage of ID's Used], 
    2147483647 - cast(last_value as int) AS Remaining
FROM sys.identity_columns
    INNER JOIN sys.tables
        ON sys.identity_columns.object_id = sys.tables.object_id
ORDER BY last_value DESC

The results will look like this:

Table Name      Last Value      MAX_LENGTH  Percentage of ID's Used   Remaining
My_Table        49181800             4               2.29             2098301847

Checking Integer Identity Columns

like image 36
Narnian Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 04:10
