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How do I do a type cast in Laravel Fluent?

How can I do a type cast for comparing values in Laravel Fluent? For example if I have the following MySQL:

SELECT * from table1 WHERE  CAST(`values` AS SIGNED) > $myVar

This is what I currently have after writing the above in Fluent:

$query = DB::connection('mysql')->table('table1')
    ->where('values', '>', $myVar);

Currently the database is treating this as a string. The column in the table needs to be kept as a varchar for other reasons. How can I do the type cast for this particular query in Laravel Fluent?

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rotaercz Avatar asked Dec 24 '22 21:12


2 Answers

Untested, but I believe this should work:

$query = DB::connection('mysql')->table('table1')
    ->where(DB::raw('CAST(values AS SIGNED)'), '>', $myVar);
like image 166
Jeff Lambert Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 10:12

Jeff Lambert


$query= DB::connection('mysql')
            ->whereRaw('CAST(values AS SIGNED) > '.$myVar);


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dani24 Avatar answered Dec 27 '22 09:12
