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How do I do a "deep" fetch join in JPQL?




I don't think I will ever fully understand fetch joins.

I have a query where I'm attempting to eagerly "inflate" references down two levels.

That is, my A has an optional Collection of Bs, and each B has either 0 or 1 C. The size of the B collection is known to be small (10-20 tops). I'd like to prefetch this graph.

A's B relationship is marked as FetchType.LAZY and is optional. B's relationship to C is also optional and FetchType.LAZY.

I was hoping I could do:

  FROM A a
  LEFT JOIN FETCH a.bs // look, no alias; JPQL forbids it
  LEFT JOIN a.bs b // "repeated" join necessary since you can't alias fetch joins
  LEFT JOIN FETCH b.c // this doesn't seem to do anything
 WHERE a.id = :id

When I run this, I see that As B collection is indeed fetched (I see a LEFT JOIN in the SQL referencing the table to which B is mapped).

However, I see no such evidence that C's table is fetched.

How can I prefetch all Cs and all Bs and all Cs that are "reachable" from a given A? I can't see any way to do this.

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Laird Nelson Avatar asked May 21 '13 22:05

Laird Nelson

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4 Answers

The JPA spec does not allow aliasing a fetch join, but some JPA providers do.

EclipseLink does as of 2.4. EclipseLink also allow nested join fetch using the dot notation (i.e. "JOIN FETCH a.bs.c"), and supports a query hint "eclipselink.join-fetch" that allows nested joins (you can specify multiple hints of the same hint name).

In general you need to be careful when using an alias on a fetch join, as you can affect the data that is returned.

See, http://java-persistence-performance.blogspot.com/2012/04/objects-vs-data-and-filtering-join.html

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James Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10


I'm using Hibernate (and this may be specific to it) and I've had success with this:

LEFT JOIN a.bs b
WHERE a.id = :id

(Note the b in the select list).

This was the only way I found this would work for me, note that this returns Object[] for me and I then filter it in code like so:

(List<A>) q.getResultList().stream().map(pair -> (A) (((Object[])pair)[0])).distinct().collect(Collectors.toList());
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twihoX Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 15:10


Not exactly JPQL, but you can achieve that in pure JPA with Criteria queries:

CriteriaBuilder cb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<MyEntity> q = cb.createQuery(MyEntity.class);
Root<MyEntity> root = q.from(MyEntity.class);
Fetch bsFetch = root.fetch("b", JoinType.LEFT); //fetch b, property of MyEntity and hold fetch object
bsFetch.fetch("c", JoinType.LEFT); //fetch c, property of b

Support for this kind of nested fetch is vendor-specific (as JPA doesn't require them to do so), but both eclipselink and hibernate do support it, and this way your code remains vendor independant.

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Deltharis Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10


JPA does not allow nested join fetches, nor allow an alias on a join fetch, so this is probably JPA provider specific.

In EclipseLink, you can specify a query hint to perform nested join fetches.

You can't make it recursive in JPQL though, you could go only at best n levels. In EclipseLink you could use @JoinFetch or @BatchFetch on the mapping to make the querying recursive.

See, http://java-persistence-performance.blogspot.com/2010/08/batch-fetching-optimizing-object-graph.html

Source: http://www.coderanch.com/t/570828/ORM/databases/Recursive-fetch-join-recursively-fetching

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Dherik Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 16:10
