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How do I display HTML code (entities) on a web page?



how do you write html code so the user and see it on a webpage (like a how-to for html)

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Kevin Li Avatar asked Sep 08 '09 15:09

Kevin Li

Video Answer

2 Answers

encode your html entities:

< … &lt;
> … &gt;
& … &amp;
" … &quot;
(' … &apos; xml, not html. see comments)

you might also want to use

here comes your preformatted and escaped &lt;html&gt;-code

to have your code monospaced and preserve whitespaces

like image 61
knittl Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 18:11


You have to use HTML character entities &lt; and &gt; in place of the < and > symbols so they aren't interpreted as HTML tags.

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Jonathan Patt Avatar answered Nov 05 '22 19:11

Jonathan Patt