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How do I disable a node in Jenkins UI after it has completed its currently running jobs?


I would like to prevent a Jenkins node from executing any further jobs once it has completed those jobs it is already executing.

How can I go about this? I have currently be telling Jenkins to prepare for shutdown. This incorrectly stops new job allocation to all nodes.

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JonnyRo Avatar asked Oct 24 '14 17:10


People also ask

How do you abort a build in Jenkins UI?

Abort the job by clicking the red X next to the build progress bar. Click on "Pause/resume" on the build to pause. Click on "Pause/resume" again to resume the build.

How do you restrict Jenkins job to execute on a particular node?

Use Authorize Project plugin to assign authentication to your builds. Then Just set Computer/Build permissions for you nodes (Can be done in Role Strategy plugin for example) Use Job Restrictions Plugin to restrict access to node via Node properties.

1 Answers

There is a "Mark this node temporarily offline" button in the top right corner of the node's page:


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wmli Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09
