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How do I detect if a Windows server is available after a reboot?

I want to automate a Windows 2000+ server reboot process using Task Scheduler or similar tool to remotely reboot a server and wait for it to come back up. I can issue shutdown or psshutdown to remotely reboot, but I want something better than sleep to wait for it to come back. I need to verify it is back online within n minutes or throw an error.

By 'back online', I would like to verify more than just that it can be pinged, but perhaps its RFC service is responding or some other determinate vital sign.

I'd prefer an NT script approach, but I'm not ruling out writing a custom tool to do this.

Any ideas?

like image 747
spoulson Avatar asked Sep 11 '08 14:09


People also ask

How do you check if any Windows Server is pending for reboot?

Testing for a a Pending Reboot (The Easy Way) Simply open up your PowerShell console and type Install-Script Test-PendingReboot . Install-Script will download my PowerShell script from the PowerShell Gallery to C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Scripts.

How can I tell if a Windows Server has been rebooted?

Using Command Prompt A quick way to do this is by executing a systeminfo command from Command Prompt within your Windows Server. There are some other variants you can see, but as far as obtaining the date and time of the server reboot, the final result is still the same.

How do you check when was Windows Server last rebooted command line?

WMIC. WMIC ( Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line ) command will provide you with a string representation of the computer's last boot time. The result is formatted as a four-digit year with two digits for month, day, hour, minute, and second.

What happens when you reboot a server?

Restarting a server closes all the processes that are running and starts them again. Rebooting a server closes all running processes and reboots the server. Rebooting a server is more intrusive than restarting a server and takes longer, and is typically used if restart does not resolve the issue.

2 Answers

After working on this for a while, I came up with the following VBScript. Feel free to comment/improve.

' Remotely reboot a server and
' wait for server to come back up.
' Usage:  cscript /nologo /E:VBScript RebootWait.vbs <Server Name>
' Shawn Poulson, 2008.09.11

' Get server name from command line
If WScript.Arguments.Count <> 1 Then
End If

ServerName = WScript.Arguments(0)

' Verify server is currently up
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Now & ": Verify server '" & ServerName & "' is currently up..."
If Not IsAvailable(ServerName) Then
   WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Error: Server is down.  Reboot aborted!"
End If
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Now & ": Server is up."

' Reboot server
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Now & ": Rebooting server '" & ServerName & "'..."
RebootStatus = RebootServer(ServerName)
If RebootStatus < 0 Then
   WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Error: Reboot returned error " & RebootStatus
End If
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Now & ": Reboot command was successful"

' Wait for server to come down
WScript.StdOut.Write Now & ": Waiting for server '" & ServerName & "' to go down..."
WaitCount = 0
Do While IsAvailable(ServerName)
   WaitCount = WaitCount + 1
   If WaitCount > 60 Then ' 5 min timeout
      WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Error: Timeout waiting for server to come down!"
   End If
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Success!"
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Now & ": Server is down."

' Wait for server to come back up
WScript.StdOut.Write Now & ": Waiting for server '" & ServerName & "' to come back up..."
WaitCount = 0
Do While Not IsAvailable(ServerName)
   WaitCount = WaitCount + 1
   If WaitCount > 240 Then ' 20 min timeout
      WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Error: Timeout waiting for server to come back up!"
   End If
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine "Success!"
WScript.StdOut.WriteLine Now & ": Server is back up after reboot."

' Success!

Sub ShowUsage()
   WScript.Echo "Usage: " & WScript.ScriptName & " <Server name>"
End Sub

' Returns:
' 1 = Successfully issued reboot command
' -2 = Could not reach server
' -3 = Reboot command failed
Function RebootServer(ServerName)
   Dim OpSystem
   On Error Resume Next
   For Each OpSystem in GetObject("winmgmts:{(Shutdown)}!\\" & ServerName & "\root\CIMV2").ExecQuery("select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Primary=true")
      On Error GoTo 0

      If IsObject(OpSystem) Then
         ' Invoke forced reboot
         If OpSystem.Win32Shutdown(6, 0) = 0 Then
            ' Success
            RebootServer = 1
            ' Command failed
            RebootServer = -3
         End If

         RebootServer = -2

      End If
End Function

' Return True if available
Function IsAvailable(ServerName)
   ' Use Windows RPC service state as vital sign
   IsAvailable = (GetServiceState(ServerName, "RpcSs") = "Running")
End Function

' Return one of:
'  Stopped, Start Pending, Stop Pending,
'  Running, Continue Pending, Pause Pending,
'  Paused, Unknown
Function GetServiceState(ServerName, ServiceName)
   Dim Service
   On Error Resume Next
   Set Service = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & ServerName & "\root\CIMV2:Win32_Service='" & ServiceName & "'")
   On Error GoTo 0
   If IsObject(Service) Then GetServiceState = Service.State
End Function
like image 129
spoulson Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10


Your remote restart script could start the server, wait n minutes, then query your RFC service. You could also have a local script on the server do the same thing.

like image 22
Bill the Lizard Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 23:10

Bill the Lizard