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How do I destructure all properties into the current scope/closure in ES2015?

I'd like to do something like this:

const vegetableColors = {corn: 'yellow', peas: 'green'};  const {*} = vegetableColors;  console.log(corn);// yellow console.log(peas);// green 

I can't seem to find or figure out how to do this but I really thought I had seen it done somewhere before! :P

NOTE: I'm using Babel with stage set to 0;

CONTEXT: I'm trying to be drier in JSX and not reference this.state or this.props everywhere. And also not have to keep adding properties to destructure if the data changes.

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Resist Design Avatar asked Aug 09 '15 19:08

Resist Design

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2 Answers

I think you're looking for the with statement, it does exactly what you are asking for:

const vegetableColors = {corn: 'yellow', peas: 'green'}; with (vegetableColors) {     console.log(corn);// yellow     console.log(peas);// green } 

However, it is deprecated (in strict mode, which includes ES6 modules), for good reason.

destructure all properties into the current scope

You cannot in ES61. And that's a good thing. Be explicit about the variables you're introducing:

const {corn, peas} = vegetableColors; 

Alternatively, you can extend the global object with Object.assign(global, vegetableColors) to put them in the global scope, but really, that's worse than a with statement.

1: … and while I don't know whether there is a draft to allow such things in ES7, I can tell you that any proposal will be nuked by the TC :-)

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Bergi Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 02:09


I think you're looking for:

const {corn, peas} = vegetableColors; 

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If Pointy's right that you're asking how to do this without knowing the names corn and peas, you can't with destructuring assignment.

You can at global scope only, using a loop, but I'm sure you don't want to do this at global scope. Still, just in case:

// I'm sure you don't really want this, just being thorough Object.keys(vegetableColors).forEach((key) => {     Object.defineProperty(this, key, {         value: vegetableColors[key]     }); }); 

(Throw enumerable: true on there if you want these pseudo-constants to be enumerable.)

That works at global scope because this refers to the global object.

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T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 02:09

T.J. Crowder