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How do I define a function within a function in Clojure and reference that function?



I wrote a function to compute the symmetric difference of two sets (one of the problems on the 4clojure site). The function passed the unit tests, but it's not as clean as I would like, given that I have duplicated code.

(fn [x y] (set (concat 
  (keep-indexed #(if (nil? (get y %2)) %2) x)
  (keep-indexed #(if (nil? (get x %2)) %2) y))))

Obviously I would prefer something like:

(fn [x y] (set (concat (diff x y) (diff y x))))

Where the diff function is defined and referenced "inline", but I don't know how to do that in one fn block.

like image 390
Matthew Avatar asked Nov 03 '11 21:11


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First Class Functions They can be assigned as values, passed into functions, and returned from functions. It's common to see function definitions in Clojure using defn like (defn foo … ​) . However, this is just syntactic sugar for (def foo (fn … ​)) fn returns a function object.

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Naming Variables The name of a variable can be composed of letters, digits, and the underscore character. It must begin with either a letter or an underscore. Upper and lowercase letters are distinct because Clojure, just like Java is a case-sensitive programming language.

1 Answers

Use a let or letfn:

(fn [x y]
  (let [diff (... function body here ...)]
    (concat (diff x y) (diff y x)))))
like image 70
Matt Fenwick Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 05:10

Matt Fenwick