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How do I decode URL in Android Application? [duplicate]





I am trying to write an Android app, and it's supposed to retrieve the content of a CDN URL, which are always URLEncoded. For the sake of example, I am using a youtube URL, because they are formatted the same way.

    public static String getText(String url) throws Exception {     URL website = new URL(url);     URLConnection connection = website.openConnection();     BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(                             new InputStreamReader(                                 connection.getInputStream()));      StringBuilder response = new StringBuilder();     String inputLine;      while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null)          response.append(inputLine);      in.close();      return response.toString(); }  /**  * @param args the command line arguments  */ public static void main(String[] args) {     try {     String page = getText("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH2-TGUlwu4");     String[] temper = page.split("flashvars=\"");     page = temper[1];     temper = page.split("\"     allowscriptaccess=\"always\"");     page = temper[0];     temper = page.split("url_encoded_fmt_stream_map=");     page = temper[1];     temper = page.split("fallback_host");     page = temper[0];     page = page.replaceAll("url%3D", ""); **     page = URLDecoder.decode(page, "UTF-8"); **     page = page.replaceAll("hd720&", "hd720"); **     System.out.println(page);              // TODO code application logic here     } catch (Exception ex) {         Logger.getLogger(app.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);     } } 

The code that is starred is (probably) where it is giving me trouble. The system.out.println outputs


I want that URL decoded in a way that I can wrap it in a method to download it.

I have already tried the string.replaceAll() method. In short, It doesn't work

Please help me regarding this.

like image 916
Rebecca Avatar asked Jan 23 '12 04:01


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1 Answers

The string you have there is URL encoded.

String afterDecode = URLDecoder.decode(stingvalue, "UTF-8"); 
like image 170
Kushan Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 19:09
