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How do I create crossplatform file paths in Go?

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How do you create a file path?

If you're using Windows 11, simply right-click on it. Then, select “Copy as path” in the contextual menu. Alternatively, in Windows 10, you can also select the item (file, folder, library) and click or tap on the “Copy as path” button from File Explorer's Home tab in Windows 10.

How do you add a file path to a file?

From the "Text" group, click [Quick Parts] > Select "Field..." Under "Field names," select "FileName." In the "Field properties" section, select a format. In the "Field options" section, check "Add path to filename." The file name will now appear in the header or footer.

What types of file paths are there?

File paths are of two types: Absolute File Paths. Relative File Paths.

For creating and manipulating OS-specific paths directly use os.PathSeparator and the path/filepath package.

An alternative method is to always use '/' and the path package throughout your program. The path package uses '/' as path separator irrespective of the OS. Before opening or creating a file, convert the /-separated path into an OS-specific path string by calling filepath.FromSlash(path string). Paths returned by the OS can be converted to /-separated paths by calling filepath.ToSlash(path string).

Use path/filepath instead of path. path is intended for forward slash-separated paths only (such as those used in URLs), while path/filepath manipulates paths across different operating systems.

Based on the answer of @EvanShaw and this blog the following code was created:

package main

import (

func main() {
    p := filepath.FromSlash("path/to/file")
    fmt.Println("Path: " + p)


Path: path\to\file

on Windows.