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How do I create an empty vector of dates?




Is it possible to create an empty vector of dates in r?

I can create an empty vector of integers, doubles, logicals etc:

> integer()
> double()
> logical()
> length(integer())
[1] 0

but this meme doesn't work for dates, as date() returns the current system date and time. So, how would I create an emtpy vector of dates?

like image 364
René Nyffenegger Avatar asked Jun 20 '15 19:06

René Nyffenegger

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Create Empty Vector using c() One of the most used way to create a vector in R is by using c() combined function. Use this c() function with out any arguments to initialize an empty vector. Use length() function to get the length of the vector. For empty vector the length would be 0.

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1 Answers

With recent versions of R, you have to supply the origin :

as.Date(x = integer(0), origin = "1970-01-01")
like image 191
PAC Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 05:10