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How do I create an empty solution in Visual Studio (2008)?

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How do I create an empty solution in Visual Studio?

To create an empty solutionOn the File menu, click New and then click New Project. In the left pane, select Installed, select Other Project Types, and then s elect Visual Studio Solutions from the expanded list. In the middle pane, select Blank Solution.

How do you make an empty solution?

To create an empty solutionOn the menu bar, select File > New > Project. On the Create a new project page, type solution into the search box. Select the Blank Solution template, and then click Next. Enter Name and Location values for your solution, and then select Create.

How do I create an empty project in Visual Studio 2015?

You can search too, it's quicker (VS2015): File > New > Project > [Search Installed Templates Empty] > Blank Solution.

File --> New Project

Under Projects Type, Select 'Other Project Types' --> Visual Studio Solutions

You should see it on the right!

Take a look here

New project > Other > Visual Studio Solutions > Empty Solution

well to me

create a new project... then create another project and add it to the first one (do not create a second one) only after doing this I were able to see the the solution icon and the text 'Solution 'xxxxxx' (2 projects)'...