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How do I create a TypeScript type definition for a stateless React component?


I'm trying create type definitions for an existing suite of stateless React components, so I can generate documentation automagically and to improve intellisense in my team's tooling.

An example component could look like this:


import React from 'react';  export const MyComponent = ({ prop1, prop2, prop3 }) => (     <div>         { prop1 ? prop2 : prop3 }     </div> ); 

I would like my type definition to:

  • Define which props are allowed (and which are required)
  • That it will return JSX

Looking at this example of creating React components using TypeScript, I discovered the type: React.SFC.

I tried to use this in my definition:


declare module "MyComponent" {     import React from 'react';      interface MyComponentProps {         prop1: boolean;         prop2?: string;         prop3?: string;     }      export const MyComponent = React.SFC<MyComponentProps> } 

But I'm getting the linting error [ts] '(' expected.

I'm pretty new to TypeScript and I am clearly missing something, but I can't find any articles on creating type definitions for stateless components.

EDIT To be clear, I don't want to rewrite my components in TypeScript. I want to create a type definition file (*.d.ts) for an existing ES6 stateless component.

like image 385
penguinflip Avatar asked Jun 20 '18 11:06


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Within TypeScript, React.Component is a generic type (aka React.Component<PropType, StateType> ), so you want to provide it with (optional) prop and state type parameters: type MyProps = { // using `interface` is also ok message: string; }; type MyState = { count: number; // like this }; class App extends React.

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1 Answers

After a lot of fiddling, we have settled on the following set up.

import React from 'react';  export interface MyComponentProps {     prop1: boolean;     prop2?: string;     prop3?: string; }  declare const MyComponent: React.SFC<MyComponentProps>  export default MyComponent 

The inspiration for this was taken from: https://github.com/DefinitelyTyped/DefinitelyTyped/blob/master/types/material-ui/index.d.ts

It works well with TypeDoc and also VS Code's intellisense.

I believe export default was the key to cracking intellisense here.

like image 94
penguinflip Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 08:09
