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How do I create a console application in Visual Studio Express for Windows 8?


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How do I create a Windows console application in Visual Studio?

In Visual Studio, open the File menu and choose New > Project to open the Create a new Project dialog. Select the Console App template that has C++, Windows, and Console tags, and then choose Next. In the Configure your new project dialog, enter HelloWorld in the Project name edit box.

How do I add a console application?

Open Visual Studio, and choose Create a new project in the Start window. In the Create a new project window, select All languages, and then choose C# from the dropdown list. Choose Windows from the All platforms list, and choose Console from the All project types list.

How do I run a console application in Visual Studio?

Build and run your code in Visual Studio To run the code, on the menu bar, choose Debug, Start without debugging. A console window opens and then runs your app. When you start a console app in Visual Studio, it runs your code, then prints "Press any key to continue . . ." to give you a chance to see the output.

In VS Express for Windows 8, I am unable to create a console application. My understanding of C++ is very basic, and I would like to just work with a single C++ file.

Upon creation of a C++ file, I am able to edit the program, but not test. Can anyone either explain to me how to build the file, or create a console application project?